Acting Kituo Cha Sheria Executive Director John Mwariri has alledgly instructed security guards not to allow Ex-Chief Justice Willy Mutunga or any other Alumni from accessing the Kituo cha Sheria main offices in Nairobi without his permission.
According to an agitated employee within the organisation, the security guards must be vigilant and treat any allumni or former staff as an outsider unless they get a direct appointment from Mr.Mwariri.
” The acting ED has instructed the guards not to allow even the Ex- CJ and all the alumni including the ones he illegally fired some few months ago. He told them that anyone who wants to access Kituo Cha Sheria’s main offices in Nairobi must get a direct appointment from him ,” said the employee.
The Nairobi based employee who wanted his identity hidden added that Mwariri last week banned meetings among them and that they are no-longer supposed to walk or sit in groups.
The acting ED has been intimidating employees with threats, insults and has reportedly threatened to fire anyone who opposes his illegal directions.
” Even talking in a group of two or three is forbidden at Kituo Cha Sheria, we are not supposed to express our thoughts in any way, we are harassed, intimidated and we are being disrespected by the ED who feels like he is above the law,” the source added.
The employee said that their voices have been silenced and the organisation is now in the wrong corrupt regime.
So far two employees at the Kituo Cha Sheria offices in Nairobi have resigned because of the toxic environment the ED has created.
” Because of his unproffesional way of leadership that involves insults, threats and intimidations, two employees have resigned and others are planning to resign. They have blamed him of creating a toxic and a hostile working environment,” a reliable source within Kituo Cha Sheria’s office confirmed to our investigative team.
Our efforts to reach Mr.Mwariri on call for a comment on the matter were not successfully as our calls went unanswered.
Mwariri, who has already featured in a certain publications has not yet been confirmed to the position he is currently holding but his close confidant revealed to this publication that he already has the blessings of the Kituo Cha Sheria’s Chair who assured him that the slot was his.
” He has told me that he is the Executive Director and he is going nowhere, he Brags that the Chair has already sealed him the slot and he is just waiting for a confirmation interview,” Mwariri’s close confidant revealed.
He recently without proper procedures fired some leaders at the organisation and he has so far brought in his tribesmen and women whom he intents to confirm ones he is assumed the ED position.
Some employees have raised alarm that the said people whom he claims to be interns are brutal and seems to be more aware of his activities within the organisation.( They behave like bosses)
Mwariri has also been accused of illegalities in his previous position and at a certain point found himself in a bitter exchange of words with some organisation founders.
For instance, Mwariri without consulting various stakeholders took Striking Doctors to court terming the strike illegal. On this case he used the Kituo Cha Sheria’s money to hire a lawyer who was his buddy to sue the Doctors on behalf of the state. This was illegal as Kituo Cha Sheria in most cases represents the oppressed.
Our investigations also showed that Kituo Cha Sheria without instructions from Elon Musk sued Safaricom over Starlink issues
This led to the lose of millions to an advocate , who was Mwariri’s buddy. They are said to have shared the loot they took from Sheria’s account while filling the said illegal suit on behalf of the billionaire, they never had his instructions to file the suit.
Mwariri’s buddy had sued mobile services provider Safaricom, the Communication Authority of Kenya (CA), and the Competition Authority of Kenya to allow Starlink access to the Kenyan market.
This was after Safaricom had written to CA seeking to have Space X, an Elon Musk-led company, be compelled to partner with the local internet providers.