Kenya Top Stories


Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party Issues Strong Condemnation of Ruto’s Government

By Maximilla Wafula
In a detailed statement, the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party has raised serious objections to President William Ruto’s administration, accusing it of undermining democracy, violating the constitution, and engaging in police brutality. The coalition rejects the proposed Government of National Unity and calls for genuine reforms, justice for victims of police violence, and continued advocacy for the rights of all Kenyans.

The coalition has accused President Ruto of attempting to dismantle multiparty democracy by nominating top leadership from the ODM party to his Cabinet. This move is seen as an effort to seize control of the Parliamentary system and silence opposition voices. Azimio alleges that Ruto’s actions, particularly the cannibalization of political parties like Jubilee and ODM, contravene the Constitution of Kenya and the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) Report.

The coalition firmly believes that President Ruto poses an existential threat to Kenyan democracy, emphasizing the need for resistance against his administration. They highlight the Kenyan people’s desire for genuine reforms, sound leadership, and transparency in public affairs, criticizing Ruto’s cosmetic procedures and recycling of incompetent officials.

Azimio unequivocally rejects the proposed Broad-Based Government of National Unity, considering it a betrayal of Kenyan citizens, especially the younger generations. They condemn the police violence that resulted in the deaths and injuries of numerous peaceful protesters exercising their constitutional rights, specifically holding Nairobi Police boss Adamson Bungei responsible for these actions.

The statement declares that any individual joining Ruto’s regime is endorsing the police brutality and injustices committed against innocent Kenyans. Those accepting Cabinet positions do so in their personal capacity, not on behalf of the coalition.

Azimio affirms its commitment to stand against injustice and police brutality, demanding the arrest and prosecution of all officers involved in the killings of Gen Z protesters. They encourage young people to remain hopeful and continue fighting for their beliefs, urging all opposed to bad governance to stand united.

The coalition expresses gratitude to their leader, Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga, for his leadership and wishes him success in his bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) leadership. During Odinga’s focus on the AUC campaigns, H.E. Dr. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka will guide the coalition.

Azimio reassures Kenyans of its continued advocacy for their rights, asserting that their allegiance lies with the people of Kenya over the Kenya Kwanza regime. The statement concludes with a call for national unity and blessings for both the coalition and the country.


Kenya Education Fund Opens their New Headquarter Office

By Maximilla Wafula

The Kenya Education Fund (KEF) today opened its new headquarter office, in Thika, marking a significant milestone in its mission to provide educational opportunities to underprivileged Kenyan youth.

This expansion aims to enhance KEF’s capacity to support more students who require financial assistance to pursue their education. KEF currently supports 560 high school students and 60 in university.

The new headquarters will serve as a central hub for KEF’s operations, facilitating better coordination and outreach efforts. Since its inception, KEF has been instrumental in providing over 4,000 scholarships and maintaining a 98% transition rate from high school to university, significantly above the national average.

The new headquarters is named Bradley Broader House after one of the founding partners, the late Bradley Broader. The other founding partner, Dominic Muasya, continues to work in the organisation and driving its mission to educate underprivileged high school students.

“We started as two young men supporting students in remote areas. Over the years there have been many lessons including our selection process to ensure we are supporting the deserving students. We also figured out how to equip the students with life skills. This building is about having a permanent address but also a space where students can find us and engage with us,” said Dominic Muasya, KEF Executive Director and co-founding Partner.

“We support students across the whole county and over the years we have seen many of our students rise to leadership positions mainly due to the skills offered in our workshops. So far we have seen a 99% transition to university by KEF students and many have come back to support the organisation either as staff or coming together to educate more students,” he said.

During the opening ceremony the family of Bradley Broader and the US Board joined their Kenyan counterparts.

“We are honoured and privileged to be here and remain committed to continue driving the vision Bradley had.
With this office there is permanence now and it is a symbol of our continued commitment towards supporting these children and ensuring they get a quality education,” said Allison Schlangers. She was joined by two other board members from the US – Rob Norton, Cliff Broder, Brandon Rigoli and Melissa Pedragosa.

One of the key supporters of KEF is Prudence Foundation, an arm of Prudential Insurance, who have partnered with the organisation for 10 years: “The opening of this building is not just a physical expansion. It is a partnership that we in Prudential believe in, we have supported over 400 students in high school and university in the past 10 years. We believe in the legacy that is being set and are honoured to continue partnering with KEF,” said Gwen Kinisu, the CEO, Prudential Kenya.

KEF also receives support from other organisations including KCB Foundation, Rainwater foundation, enchanted fairies as well as individuals.

To date KEF has an alumni over 4,500, the program has grown over the years to not only include scholarships to secondary school but also life skills workshops, post high school workshop (Career Readiness Entrepreneurship Workshop – CREW), a one-year bridge scholarship to university, college or TVETs and teacher workshops. These life skills have been instrumental in ensuring the children get life skills over and above a good education.



By Admin

Kiambu, Kenya – The Chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce Kiambu Chapter, Richard Ndung’u, has called on government leaders to take urgent action to address the pressing issue of youth unemployment in the country.

Speaking in Kiambu, Mr. Ndung’u emphasized that the chamber has been working tirelessly to provide opportunities for young people in the region, particularly through training programs and partnerships with national and international organizations. He highlighted the recent success of a trip to Seattle, which saw over 35 members from Kiambu register to participate in benchmarking and networking opportunities.

However, Mr. Ndung’u lamented that despite these efforts, the youth unemployment crisis remains a significant challenge for the country especially in Kiambu County. He urged leaders to listen to the genuine demands of the youth and work towards finding long-term solutions to address the issue.

“The youth are saying that this is their life, and they are looking forward to seeing how their life will be in the near future,” Mr. Ndung’u said. “They have come from far, and they have not had an easy time, especially on the employment side. It’s a challenge that keeps them up at night.”

The chairman also expressed concern about the impact of government inaction on the economy, citing the collapse of businesses and difficulties in collecting taxes due to lack of revenue.

“When our businesses are not making profits, imagine what will happen. We are requesting all our members to be patient as we work towards finding a solution,” Mr. Ndung’u said.

Mr. Ndung’u’s appeal comes amid ongoing protests by university students and young people demanding action on unemployment and economic challenges. The government has faced criticism for its handling of the situation, with many calling for more effective policies to address the issue.

The Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce Kiambu Chapter has partnered with the African Business Council and East African Chamber of Commerce to provide opportunities for its members and promote trade and investment in the region.

As the country continues to grapple with the youth unemployment crisis, Mr. Ndung’u’s message is clear: action is needed now to avoid anarchy and ensure a brighter future for Kenya’s young people.


Workshop opens in Kenya to boost life skills of youth

by Ronald Njoroge

The Kenya Education Fund’s (KEF) Career Readiness, Reproductive Health & Entrepreneurship Workshop (CREW) for the graduating class of 2023 opened in Nairobi to boost life skills of youth in Kenya.

The workshop which will run  in Karen, from 16- 22 July  equipped young KEF graduates with valuable tools to navigate the exciting yet challenging transition into adulthood and college.

At KEF, we believe in investing in the holistic development of our scholars,” said

Francis Ng’ang’a, country director for KEF said that the currently the transition rate for KEF scholars into university is 99 percent with each student receiving an extra year of scholarship to facilitate them joining college.

“At KEF, we believe in investing in the holistic development of our scholars,” Ng’ang’a said.

He observed that the CREW workshop goes beyond academics, providing graduates with the essential life skills they need to thrive in university, the workplace, and their communities.

The week long intensive program covered design thinking, communication skills, stress management, ethics, reproductive health and self-awareness.

The training also imparted knowledge on financial literacy, CV writing and interviewing skills as well as civics, leadership and negotiation skills.

Ng’ang’a added that the curriculum, has been effective for the last 11 years since KEF started implementing it, combined with mentorship opportunities by older KEF alumni, empowers graduates to make informed decisions about their futures and career choices.

The workshop equips the young graduates to excel in their chosen fields, become responsible individuals, and contribute meaningfully to the global community.

According to Ng’ang’a each year KEF ensures that mental wellbeing of the students is cared for and cultivated.

KEF also encourages the youth that completed their secondary education to take advantage of the many opportunities available such as TVETs, scholarships and other global opportunities.


Integrity Watch Lobby Group Calls for Political Accountability and Respect for Rule of Law

A governance lobby group has warned foreign forces that could be keen on interfering in Kenya’s political system to keep off the country’s internal affairs, while at the same time calling for mature politics, good governance and constitutionalism from the government.

Integrity Watch says Kenya is a sovereign state and should therefore be left alone to run her affairs without external interference from states or formations which could be wanting to drive their agenda.

Terming itself a collaboration of organizations and individual anti-corruption crusaders, bloggers, activists and whistleblowers, Integrity Watch reaffirms the fact that they exist with a mandate to give full effect to Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 on leadership and integrity.

Addressing a media conference in Nairobi today, the lobby underscored the need for observation of the rule of law, constitutionalism and democracy in Kenya, holding all political leaders to account on the backdrop of anti-government picketing staged by the Gen Z bracket witnessed in recent weeks.

“The past few days our country has seen remarkable social movements for democratic change around the country…they have demanded greater justice and dignity, more transparent political processes, a fair share of political power and an end to corruption,” a statement by Mr Ouma Jowi, National Coordinator Integrity Watch, reads in part.

“The rule of law and democracy are interlinked and mutually reinforcing. The rule of law is based on key democratic principles such as equality before the law, accountability, separation of powers and participation in decision making. Like democracy, the rule of law is a principle of governance anchored in participatory and consultative processes. To be legitimate, laws should be widely consulted and reflective of society’s needs and values.”

Jowi noted that a democratically elected parliament and a vibrant and strong civil society movement stand to provide ideal mechanisms for realizing the foregoing.

The lobby group condemned what it termed continuous incitements and barrage of hate speech in political gatherings and on social media, urging Kenyans to hold dear the fact that we have only one country which is irreplaceable in case it is destroyed.

Among the demands Integrity Watch gave to the political leadership and Kenyans in general are that all social movements should uphold patriotism and constitutionalism, politicians to embrace tolerance and respect to such movements, and all social movements to consider dialogue on their different platforms in a bid to foster peace and unity.


Kayana Awards Program 2024 -Celebrating Female Entrepreneurship

by Maximilla Wafula

Nairobi, Kenya – July 10, 2024 – The Kayana Awards Program 2024 unfolded in grand style at the Hyatt Regency celebrating the remarkable contributions of female entrepreneurs in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. The evening, which ran from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM, was a testament to the innovation, resilience, and community commitment demonstrated by women across various business categories.

The journey to the awards began with nominations closing on February 29, 2024, followed by the judges’ selection of finalists from March 8 to April 5, 2024. The public then had their say from April 15 to June 7, 2024, under the watchful eyes of esteemed judges Victor Otieno, Chris Maara, Chebet Cheruiyot, and Mercy Kimalat.

“This year’s nominees represented a diverse array of businesses, each making significant contributions to their communities and industries,” noted Victor Otieno during his opening speech.

The award categories were meticulously designed to honor different aspects of business excellence:

Commitment to Staff Development: Essenpark Limited emerged as the winner for its exceptional efforts in mentoring and developing employee skills. MRX Media Limited and Spectrum Engineering were the 1st and 2nd runners-up, respectively.

Community Impact: Minat Bakery & Cake Zone took the top spot, recognized for their significant contributions to community cohesion and economic sustainability. Kaya Nuts and Soraya Teen Moms & Girls followed closely.

Environmental Impact: Eco Makaa Solutions was celebrated for its dedication to environmental sustainability, with Tupike Ventures and Kiasili Farm as the 1st and 2nd runners-up.

Kayana’s Choice Award: Diro Jewellers received the coveted Kayana’s Choice Award, with Mutitu Honey and HB Leather also being honored.

Most Adaptive Use of Technology: Gwiji for Women was awarded for their innovative use of technology to enhance customer service and operations. GRise Systems Solutions and Nyumba Zetu were the 1st and 2nd runners-up.

Most Innovative Business: Eco Nasi Leather won for their constant innovation in meeting market demands, followed by Viv’s In-houz Spa and Zidallie Technologies Limited.

Most Resilient Business: De Vani Chocolatier stood out for its strategic planning and resilience, with Virtually Yours by Connie and Everest Enterprises Limited recognized as runners-up.

Strong Leadership: The Chic Evangelist Collection was honored for inspiring leadership, followed by Teach for Kenya and the African Woman Global Network.

The Diaspora Excellence Award: Africana Woman was celebrated for its impact across the continent, with Lamalo Essentials and Krypia Finance as the 1st and 2nd runners-up.

The evening culminated in heartfelt celebrations as attendees honored the outstanding achievements of these inspiring women. The Kayana Awards Program 2024 not only recognized individual excellence but also underscored the collective impact of female entrepreneurship on communities and industries across Kenya and beyond.


East Africa’s philanthropy vows to advance social justice

More than 160 grant making organizations are meeting in Nairobi to advance social justice grant making because it will reduce societies inequities.

Evans Okinyi CEO East Africa Philanthropy Network said that social justice grant making commits to systemic change, advocating not for superficial alterations but for profound societal overhaul.

“Such goes beyond financial support because it leverages philanthropic influence to reconfigure unjust power structures, ensuring those historically marginalized are central in shaping the policies that govern their lives,” Okinyi said.

the 2024 Grantmakers Summit will provide a platform to ensure industry players engage in  discourse w anchored on the three pillars of Assessing, Architecting, and Advancing, each serving as a basis for a more effective, inclusive, and revolutionary grantmaking landscape.

He revealed that social justice grant making seeks to rectify existing power imbalances that favor well-established organizations over grassroots movements that more attuned to community needs.

Eric Kimani chair East Africa Philanthropy Network said that traditional philanthropy oftens operates within the parameters that inadvertently sustain status quo inequities.

The “Strategic Philanthropy in a Dynamic Era” summit is an assembly the collective journey toward a future where philanthropy is not simply a charitable act but a powerful force for sustainable development.

Kimani urged east Africa’s philanthropies to develop long-term strategies that build resilience and capacity for future generations.

“This involves investing in education, innovation, and infrastructure that can withstand and adapt to future challenges,” he added.

According to the chairman, thinking strategically about the future, can ensure that efforts today create a sustainable foundation for tomorrow so that  legacies will be defined not by the grants we give but by the lasting change we make.



ADAK Head of Anti-Doping Education and Research Dr. Martin Sisa during the SJAK Anti-Doping workshop in Naivasha

by Maximilla Wafula

The Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) is determined to deliver a clean team to the forthcoming 2024 Olympic Games.

ADAK Head of Anti-Doping Education and Research Dr. Martin Sisa noted that the Agency has already done mandatory testing to all teams headed to the 2024 Summer Games in Paris.

Dr. Sisa revealed that the testing started in September last year through to the stipulated World Athletics deadline on July 4.

Speaking during the Sports Journalists Association of Kenya (SJAK) Anti -Doping Seminar, Dr. Sisa added that ADAK has already tested more than 4135 athletes and reached out to 8500 stakeholders in athletics alone.

He noted that ADAK has also tested 1348 athletes in other disciplines and reached 16,512 stakeholders, by and large.

Dr Sisa clarified that athletics has been tested more than other disciplines given the fact that it had been categorized as a high-risk sport.

“We have been working closely with the WADA Africa office who have been very supportive to our programs. We are also working hand in hand with the regional anti-doping organization to advance the fight against doping,” said Dr Sisa.

Sisa expounded: “We have been doing a lot of testing for athletes over the past one year to ensure that we deliver a clean team to the Olympics. We have also undertaken both testing and education for the athletes and their entourages and the program is taking shape considerably well.”

Sisa continued: “We have tested more numbers compared to other anti-doping originations globally and there are athletes who have been tested more than thrice just to ensure that all is well. We wanted to do an out-of-competition testing ostensibly to deliver an intelligence-based testing.”

Dr Sisa added that they are helping the Olympic team by visiting them in their camps for testing and sensitizing them on anti-doping “in order to deliver a clean sport and indeed avert the myriad cases witnessed during the Rio Olympics in 2016.”

SJAK President James Waindi, on his part, thanked ADAK for their unwavering support and partnership with sports scribes over the years.

Waindi said: “It’s a great honor to be here again. We thank ADAK for making this workshop an annual event. This year’s workshop is particularly a significant one given that this is an Olympic year and that journalists need a lot of education in understanding the dynamics of doping.”

ADAK CEO Sarah Shibutse, whose speech was read by Dr. Sisa, underscored the input of sports scribes as key stakeholders in the campaign against doping.

“Journalists can contribute to the fight by exposing doping scandals through investigative journalism and uncover doping practices, often bringing hidden issues to light. By exposing these scandals, they can prompt action from sports authorities and the government,” said Shibutse.


China Square Newest Lang’ata Branch Comes With Exciting Discounts

by Maurice Momanyi

Branch Chinese retail merchant China Square has opened the most recent outlet in Nairobi as it seeks to grow its footprint in the Kenyan capital and beyond.

The newest Lang’ata Branch, unveiled over the weekend at a colourful ceremony in full glare of the media, is testimony that China Square continues to penetrate the Kenyan retail market.

Speaking during the grand opening, China Square Managing Director Mr. Lei Cheng hailed Kenya as the preferred investment destination in the East African region, urging other investors to seize the opportunity and invest in the country.

During the opening session, management of the retail mall ensured that prices of all available merchandise retailed at 20 percent lower as an incentive to draw more buyers and enhance trust.

Sources indicate that China Square invested Sh600 million to lease the branch owned by Uchumi Supermarkets.

It goes without saying that the China Square Langata launch was a big success as many Kenyans from all walks of life turned up to get a first-hand experience of the occasion punctuated by pomp and grandeur.

The management led by Mr. Lei Cheng expressed their gratitude to all who joined in the grand opening.

On top of enjoying a 20 per cent discount on all items on the launch day, customers will also take advantage of a 12 per cent to 40 per cent price cut on available home appliances until July 15, 2024 at the new branch in Lang’ata.

Curious Kenyans who thronged the China Square Lang’ata Hyper (formely Uchumi Lang’ata Hyper) got an exciting experience sampling a wide array of merchandise and the pricing before they indulge in a shopping spree, just as a previous day post would suggest.

“Get ready to laugh and shop till you drop! We’re bringing the fun and excitement to China Square Langata’s Grand Opening!  Crazy Discounts of up to 40 per cent on home appliances and 20 per cent off all items except home appliances!” read a post on one of their social media pages.


Hybrid Round Table discussions between Kenya and Azerbaijan journalist and Civil Society and the New Caledonia party leader’s Facilitated by the BAKU INITIATIVE GROUP and ABO’S Africa

As well known, as its capacity of chair of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in 2019-2023, Azerbaijan has upheld the movement’s fundamental principles such as decolonization including the recognition of national movements striving for independence. Created within the framework of NAM, Baku İnitiative Group (BIG) supports the fair struggles of colonized regions based on international norms and principles. Our organization’s comprehensive and successful activity consistently raised and continues to raise awareness of global community about current situation in colonized regions through international platforms in respective organizations, such as UN entities including Human Rights Council as well as NAM Parliamentary Network, where BIG is represented.
Our organization held several international events, where discussed political, economic and cultural consequences of the colonialism and violations of human rights in New-Caledonia and other colonized regions.
The French government’s recent violation of fundamental human rights in New Caledonia is yet another proof that there is no political will of France Government to implement UN General Assembly resolutions on decolonization of overseas. Since 1986, New Caledonia has been listed as a non-self-governing territory by the United Nations Committee on Decolonization. The right to self-determination is fundamental, and we support those who seek a better and decent future for their own people, the BIG will continue to support Kanak peoples’ fair struggle on their independency.
We express our full solidarity with the people of Kanaky and support their fair struggle against the expansion of the electorate as well as demand the cancel of the proposed amendments from the French authority.
Supporting Kanaky until its independence is an obligation under international law and supporting documents of international organizations, particularly UN Resolution 1514, concerning the right of peoples to self-determination. Therefore, all current demonstrations of the People of Kanaky and supporters of independence are legitimate.
We call on France to stop its neo-colonial policy and insure the people of Kanaky freedom to determine its own destiny!
We call on all representatives of independence and nationalist movements, representatives all related inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations to continue presenting the real situation in colonized regions to global community and we call on all KANAKS to inform international community on incidents and violations of KANAKS rights.