George Ochila Owino, Lawyer Jackline P.Atieno Omolo and Mercy Muthoni
Rogue George Ochila Owino, lawyer Jackline P. Atieno Omolo and Mercy Muthoni Njeru have been charged with Fraud at a Nairobi Court.
The three, who doubles as the former Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (KUSCCO) are linked to Sh 3B scandal that left the Sacco on its knees.
The DCI on its social media handle said that the three who conspired to defraud, were arrested in different areas within the Kenyan Capital Nairobi adding that the last suspect was arrested in Nyeri.
Further investigations details says that they also conspiracy to defraud,
While appearing before Nairobi Senior Principal Magistrate Dalpina Alego, they jointly denied the charges on Thursday and pleaded for a lenient bond terms.
However, the Plea against George Otieno Ototo, a notorious suspect failed to take place since he did not appear,he is expected in court on Tuesday.
The court heard that they conspired to defraud the financial institution by diverting Sh82,826,000, meant for the purchase of parcel of land LR23269/35 at Nairobi.
Furthermore, they are said to have committed the offence on diverse dates between the month of October 2020 and April 2022 l, jointly with others not before court.
According to the DPP they jointly entered into agreement for sale of Land LR No.23269/35 in order to conceal or disguise the nature and source of Sh82,826,000 through accounts held at KCB and Oriental Bank respectively.
Both accounts were under the name of Jackline P. A Omolo & Advocates whilst having reasons to believe that the said monies were proceeds of crime.
They are said to have 6committed the fraud on diverse dates between 9th October 2020. and 30th April 2022 with others not before court, with intent to dispose of, the money.
Magutu, Ototo and lawyer Omolo were further accused of making an agreement for sale of land LR No.23269/35 to make it appear authentic, with intent to deceive.
The prosecution alleged that they committed the offence on the 6th day of October 2020 with intent to defraud or deceive.
Lawyer Jackline Omollo was accused of knowingly and fraudulently uttering to Moses Adeli a forged agreement for sale purporting to be a genuine agreement for sale of Land LR LR No.337/1925 Machakos from Catherine Wanjiku Mbugua.
They are still in custody and the court will rule in bail issues on Monday.