Kenneth Wangari who is the Senior Vice Chairman for Association of Professional Societies of East Africa on Tuesday the 25th April 2023 met with the Majority Leader in National Assembly Hon Kimani Ichungwa.
They discussed on the need to mainstream the Professional Associations legislative AGENDA into National Assembly in a bid to fast track such legislations and afford the Professionals opportunity to perform Professional duties in a duly regulated environment.
Majority leader applauds APSEA for remaining as the EPITOME of PROFESSIONALISM and urged APSEA to be at the forefront of ensuring Professionalism is upheld across the spectrum of Governance in Kenya and the region.
Senior Vice chairman Mr Kenneth reiterated the commitment by APSEA to focus on utmost professionalism as a recipe to good governance both in a private and in government circles.
The discussion also highlighted the role Professional bodies can play in the ongoing and expected bipartisan deliberations within political circles where APSEA presents its professional infrastructure as key towards this process if talks where to include non parliamentary participation.
APSEA Professional Association MIX includes the below Professional bodies:-
. Architectural Association of Kenya – AAK
- Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya – ACEK
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch) – CIARB
- Environment Institute of Kenya – EIK
- Geological Society of Kenya – GSK
- Institute of Certifted Investment and Financial Analysts ICIFA
- Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya – ICPAK
- Institute of Certified Secretaries – ICS
- Institute of Clerks of Works of Kenya – ICWK
- Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya – IQSK
- Institution of Engineers of Kenya – IEK
Among others.
The senior Vice Chairman mentioned plans in place to expand the scope and the MIX by inviting other Professional bodies to join APSEA after a rigorous vetting process is undertaken.
Majority leader welcomed Professional bodies to work with parliament towards achieving desired Professional involvement and conduct moving forward.
This meeting happened in a day where National Assembly was discussing in the floor of the house the appointment of an Auditor to the Auditor General. The requisite Professional body ICPAK who is a member of APSEA featured prominently in the debate it its role towards vetting and licensing auditing firms.
This meeting therefore is timely as it will become increasingly Necessary to embed and interlace Professional bodies into the accountability and governance processes moving forward.
[8:53 AM, 4/26/2023] James Waithaka Media Safaricom: Bishop Thagana views on Shakahola Massacre
Bishop David Munyiri Thagana is the Secretary General of the Federation of evangelical churches of Kenya. He is also the founder and Presiding bishop of Glory Outreach Assembly. He shares with us his thoughts pertaining the shocking events of massacre in Malindi.
“We need to have the conversation because the things we are seeing now are not new to us. Only the magnitude is much higher. One of the things we as Kenyans we are very reactive instead of being proactive.
If we were more proactive in looking at things before they happen, we could save a lot of lives.
I want us to go beyond the conversation and go beyond the system and structures. Not just religion but we have other agencies .
About regulation this is an overdue.
The question has been how. And not just churches or religious organizations.
Accountability structure. If someone deviates then you have a redress mechanism. I guess our major concern as churches is for us to be regulated by the government .
Some of them may not draw the line between regulation and curtailing the freedom of worship. The church should clearly be heard championing self regulation under their umbrella.
“in my view there is corporate blame starting with the whole system of internal security all the way from nyumba kumi, to the chief to the entire system..parents are to blame. The church is to blame
But above all, the government is the one that should be taking care of all of us.”