The Parliament Taskforce on Domestic Resource Mobilization for Health inAfrica.
African parliamentarians on Wednesday pledged to advocate for domestic resource mobilization for health.
Maitournam Moustapha Rabi, Co-Chair of the African Parliamentary Taskforce on Domestic Resource Mobilization also pushed to advocate for equitable and resilient health systems focused on people centered approach.
The parliamentarians taskforce on domestic resource mobilization for health in Africa from Cameron , Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Ghana,Kenya ,Niger ,Rwanda Senegal, Zambia and Zimbabwe gathered in Nairobi at the sidelines of the African Union summit to reflect and discuss health financing in Africa.
Rabi said that many African states are struggling to meet their commitments to mobilize domestic resources yet investing in health is investing in human capital, creating stable jobs, stimulating economic growth and reducing inequalities.

Daniel Molokela-Tsiye Co-Chair of the African Parliamentary Taskforce on Domestic Resource Mobilization
Daniel Molokela-Tsiye Co-Chair of the African Parliamentary Taskforce on Domestic Resource Mobilization urged African governments to work in concert with parliamentarians, civil society and the private sector to implement sustainable strategies for mobilizing domestic resources and for a significant increase in health budgets, given that a healthy nation is indispensable to Africa’s socio-economic transformation, as envisaged in AU Agenda 2063.

Olivia Ngou MPH Executive Director of Impact Sante Afrique (ISA)
Daniel Molokela-Tsiye also called for formalized the integration of community health agents.