Eng. Dr. Elisha Akech Ochungo has embarked on a campaign with a bold vision for the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK), as he vies for the position of Honorary Secretary for the term 2024-2026. Central to his manifesto are three key agendas, the first of which is Distributive Equity, aiming to ensure fair opportunities and recognition for engineers.
In outlining his plans for distributive equity, Dr. Akech emphasized the importance of building team spirit within the engineering community. “With a common purpose, we shall increase our visibility and earnings,” he asserted. He intends to leverage the professionalism of engineers to showcase their value to the public, fostering closer collaboration and mutual benefit.
“We are the most disciplined profession after the military,” Dr. Akech stated, highlighting the dedication of engineers to their calling. He stressed the need to communicate this professionalism effectively to the wider society to ensure that engineers receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve.
Drawing from his 22 years of experience in business, Dr. Akech expressed his desire to mentor younger engineers and instill in them the confidence that opportunities are within reach. “My desire is to impact the younger engineers to have this confidence that opportunities are made,” he affirmed, emphasizing the potential for collective success.
Furthermore, Dr. Akech pledged to champion the debate on opening up new opportunities for engineers, addressing concerns about engineers being edged out of development projects. “People are building and companies are in development but engineers are being edged out. This must be corrected,” he asserted.
In conclusion, Dr. Akech urged engineers to support his candidacy, stating, “Vote me in on 21.3.2024 as your next Honorary Secretary in the 2024-26 IEK Council.” He believes that through distributive equity and collective action, the engineering profession can thrive and contribute significantly to the advancement of society.