Toyota Kenya unveils road safety drive for young learners Mr. Arvinder Singh Reel – Managing Director, Toyota Kenya, and the Chief Executive Officer, CFAO Automotive—Kenya in the middle background together with Langata Primary School Children in Nairobi. Photo: Benard Mulwa
By Benard Mulwa
A subsidiary of the CFAO Automotive, Toyota Kenya Ltd, in partnership with National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) today has set on course safety drive for young leaners in a bid to curb cases of road carnage of school children.
The occasion was marked at Langata Primary School in Nairobi bringing together renowned former Safari Rally driver Juha Matti Pellervo Kankkunen, National Transport and Safety Authority NTSA Director Safety Dr. Andrew Kiplangat and Toyota Kenya Managing Director, Arvinder Singh Reel to sensitize School children on road safety.
During the celebration, Mr. Arvinder Singh Reel donated over one thousand Jackets reflectors, wrist band reflectors and School crossing lollipop stop signs to the School and he encouraged the children to wear them in the morning when going to School and in the evening when going back home and use zebra crossing whenever crossing roads.
On the other hand, Dr. Andrew Kiplangat, Director Safety National Transport and Safety Authority said NTSA has partnered with Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development KICD develop a curriculum on road safety and has put a raft of measures including promoting safe drive and compliance measures.