Mr Andreas Von Peleske, the Chief of Strategy of Naivas addressing the media during the opening of the Naivas Langata Road.
By Tum David
Naivas Supermarket continue to soar in its quest to meet and satisfy the ever increasing demands of its customers countrywide.
However, Naivas is proud to announce the grand opening of its newest outlet conveniently located in the populous residential area of the very busy Langata Road.
The new branch is located at Langata Med-Link, a mixed-use development on the busy Langata road opposite the Mbagathi road roundabout off Wilson Airport. It covers 28,000 sq ft of trading space. It has also a spacious retail floor showcasing a wide range of products and services.
The Naivas Medi-Link branch brings to three (3) the count of outlets along Langata Road one being at Freedom Heights, and another being the One Stop FoodMarkert located at
One Stop Arcade.

The newly opened Naivas branch at Langata Med-link adjacent to the busy Mbagathi road roundabout. Pic By TUM.
The branch features dedicated sections for electronics, home goods, clothing,fresh produce and other fast moving commodities. Also Naivas is proud of its knowledgeable and dedicated staff ready to serve its customers with great hospitality, as well as a secure parking and easy access for shoppers.
” We are excited to expand our presence in Langata, again, since this is an ever-growing area of Nairobi and once we identify a gap and a need in a community we move with speed and I’m a strategic, calculated manner to fill it,” said Andreas Von Peleske, Naivas Chief of Strategy.
He went on to say that the newly opened store is one such undertaking that shows how further the retailer has gone to provide a wholesome shopping experience aimed at meeting the every day needs and aspiration wants of its customers.
” This was always in the plan and from the word go, we were determined to deliver a store for the Langata residents that truly brings the world class shopping experience to them. As a home grown brand, we have our customer’s interests at heart hence the commitment not only to meet but also to exceed their needs in every way possible,” added Mr Peleske.
The newly opened branch comes at an exciting period when the KIKAPU KIBONGE SUPAA SAFARI CAMPAIGN initiated by Naivas Supermarket chain is at its peak within the heart of its cherished customers countrywide.
The campaign has seen to it that that the retailer provides reprieve for Kenyans cushioning them during these very hard economic times through amazing sales promotions as well as reward points across all Naivas outlets.
” As we open the doors of Naivas Langata Med-Link, this newest store becomes our latest stage in our safari, and they get to join in the fun. Our customers are guaranteed that each time they walk through our doors they can trust us to deliver on our promises; thus NAIVAS SAVES YOU MONEY! Every store opening is also always an opportunity to appreciate the unwavering support from our customers. The support has ensured that the business has continued to grow from strength to strength and we want to reiterate our commitment to exceptional delivery as we continue in our great journey #Beyond1OO,” remarked Chief of Operations at the Naivas, Peter Mukuha.