By Steve El Sabai
On November 16th and 17th, 2024, the Communist Party of Kenya (CPK) convenes its 2nd National Congress, a defining moment in the struggle for genuine freedom and independence in Kenya. This historic gathering takes place at a time of profound political repression, escalating class struggles, and concerted efforts to sabotage the revolutionary mission. Amidst these challenges, the Congress underscores the Party’s steadfast commitment to the liberation of the Kenyan people and the dismantling of the neo-colonial order.
The Congress comes as the Party continues to endure state-sponsored surveillance, physical and digital attacks, and betrayal from opportunistic factions that have aligned themselves with the reactionary regime of President William Ruto. This comprador government, serving as a puppet of U.S. imperialism, stands in direct opposition to Kenya’s sovereignty and the aspirations of its working class. Yet, under the leadership of Kinuthia Ndung’u, Interim National Chairperson of the Majority faction, the CPK remains unwavering.
Following the successful conclusion of the Party’s rectification program, the Congress reaffirms the CPK’s role as the vanguard of the Kenyan working class. It stands in sharp contrast to the minority faction, led by Mwandawiro Mganga and Benedict Wachira, which has chosen the path of collusion with imperialist-backed forces. The Majority faction’s commitment to the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the leadership of Kenya’s National Democratic Revolution (NDR) remains resolute.
This Congress brings together 126 accredited delegates from all 47 counties, alongside 54 representatives of international communist and workers’ organizations, uniting 180 participants with a shared vision of liberation and socialist transformation. Over two days, the Congress will reaffirm the Party’s analysis that Kenya remains a capitalist and semi-feudal society under the control of a comprador ruling class serving imperialist interests. Delegates will chart the next phase of the NDR, laying out a clear path toward achieving true independence and socialism.
The Congress will launch a Party ideological school inspired by the revolutionary legacy of Pio Gama Pinto’s Patrice Lumumba Institute. This initiative will fortify ideological unity and revolutionary discipline, ensuring the Party’s intellectual foundations remain strong. Delegates will also focus on revitalizing the Revolutionary Women’s League, Young Communist League, and other mass organizations, reflecting the Party’s commitment to grassroots mobilization and the mass-line strategy.
As a cultural milestone, the Congress will adopt the official Swahili translation of the Internationale and unveil the CPK Songs of Struggle albums. These initiatives celebrate the Party’s enduring revolutionary spirit and its deep-rooted connection to the Kenyan people’s aspirations. By confronting counter-revolutionary elements and decisively breaking with opportunistic factions, the Congress sets the stage for a stronger and more unified Party, built on ideological clarity and revolutionary purpose.
Strategic discussions will address the Party’s readiness to adapt its tactics to the shifting political landscape, including considerations of bourgeois legality, coalition politics, and the potential for a popular front. The ultimate goal remains unwavering: to lead the working masses in seizing power and realizing a socialist Kenya.
This Congress is not merely an event but a pivotal step in consolidating the Party’s role as the vanguard of Kenya’s working class. It serves as a powerful reminder that the revolution is both immediate and enduring, fueled by the sacrifices and unyielding commitment of comrades across the nation. As the Party confronts imperialism and builds alliances with revolutionary forces across Africa, the march toward a free and socialist Kenya continues—undaunted, united, and resolute.