The Government is committed to job creation and enhancing household incomes through a four-pronged strategy of international labour mobility, digital jobs, jobs in the local market and the climate works programme.
Finalisation of a new legislative and policy framework, increasing access to decent opportunities locally and abroad, expediting the conclusion of bilateral labour agreements, establishment of a national skills inventory and stricter regulation of private employment agencies are some of the measures being taken to progress these issues.
To align skills with local and overseas labour market demands, review of relevant curricula ,tailor-made short courses and certification based on recognition of prior learning are some of the interventions that have been put in place.
At the Official Residence in Karen, Nairobi held an appraisal and stocktaking briefing to track progress made and ways for accelerating programmes for creation of local and diaspora jobs.
In attendance; Cabinet Secretaries Dr. Alfred Mutua (Labour and Social Protection) and Dr. Margaret Ndung’u (Information, Communication and the Digital Economy), Principal Secretaries; Shadrack Mwadime (Labour and Skills Development), Roseline Njogu (Diaspora Affairs), John Tanui (Information, Communications and the Digital Economy), Dr. Esther Muoria (Technical, Vocational Edication and Training), Dr. Juma Mukhwana (Industry) and Geoffrey Kaituko (Shipping and Maritime Affairs), Amb. Isaiya Kabira (Secretary, Diaspora Affairs), Edith Okoki (Director General, National Employment Authority), Theresa Wasike ( Acting Director General, National Industrial Training Authority), Dr. Kipkirui Langat (CEO, TVET Authority), Prof. Kisilu Katainge (CEO, TVET CDACC), Dr. Alice Kandie (Director General, Kenya National Qualifications Authority), Henry Rithaa (CEO, Micro and Small Enterprise Authority) and Josiah Moriasi (CEO, Youth Enterprise Development Fund).