Kenya Top Stories



by Ronald Njoroge

Heifer International Kenya has officially launched the 2024 AYuTe Africa Challenge.  AYuTe which stands for AgricultureYouthTechnology aims to create opportunities for young entrepreneurs to propel agriculture transformation, catalyze ground-up innovation from the youth, and make agriculture a desired career for the future. Through AYuTe, youth-led agritech innovations in Kenya get the opportunity to pitch for investment in their businesses to boost the income and productivity of smallholder farmers.

The 2024 edition marks the third iteration of the AYuTe Africa Challenge Kenya. The theme of the competition is “Reimagining the Future of African Agriculture”, a bold call to action for young innovators to acquire the skills and resources necessary to thrive in their businesses. 

Since its inception in 2022, AYuTe Africa Challenge in Kenya has registered over 400 applications, over 230 youth-led agritech innovations have received coaching and mentorship while over 10 startups have been awarded cash-prize worth over $40,000 to translate aggressive business expansion strategies that impact smallholder farmers “This competition provides an opportunity for young innovators in Kenya to secure the funding and visibility they need to scale up their agritech solutions to reach millions of farmers across Kenya,” says William Matovu, Country Director of Heifer International Kenya. “AYUTE is a very innovative vehicle that can identify innovative agritech with transformative solutions that can change the face of the agricultural sector, we look forward to receiving applications, and even more so, to seeing many more young women participating in the competition,” he adds.

One of the 2023 edition winners, Maryann Gichanga, CEO and Founder of AgriTech Analytics, is encouraging young aspiring agritech entrepreneurs to apply for this year’s challenge. Her business provides farmers with precise, real-time data on soil health, crop conditions, and weather forecasts. “The AYuTe Africa Challenge provided me invaluable training that taught me how to run my enterprise efficiently, connected me with key partners, and provided me with the much-needed funding to upscale it” she says.

The 2024 edition will focus on enterprises with innovative agri-tech solutions responding to the needs of the agri-value chain at various levels, such as production, aggregation, post-harvest loss management, value addition, access to markets, and financing. In addition, four regions will be targeted to ensure comprehensive national representation. These regions include Nairobi, the Central Regional Economic Bloc, the Lake Region Economic Bloc, the North Rift Economic Bloc, and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties.

The awards for the competition include a cash prize of up to KSh 3.5 million for the top winners. Through the E4Impact Accelerator, the top 20 innovators will undergo a one-month incubation program among other benefits such as linkage to investment, networking, training, coaching, and mentorship opportunities. Additionally, the winners will be integrated into the E4Impact Alumni community which will provide them with valuable networking opportunities and ongoing support even after completion of the program.

Applications will be received through an online platform in two categories. The first category, Track 1, is for enterprises at the idea, proof of concept, and prototyping stages. The second category, Track 2, is for enterprises at the product stage, and aiming to scale up their businesses. The deadline for applications is 7th, July 2024, 11.59 PM EAT.


Faith leaders meet in Kenya to enhance advocacy to eliminate cervical cancer across Africa

By Ronald Njoroge

Faith leaders met in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya this week to enhance advocacy and improve education in order to eliminate cervical cancer across Africa.

The three day  Nairobi Convening on cervical cancer and HPV vaccination  conference brought together more than 100 delegates drawn from various faith as well as health ministry officials to discuss ways to boost uptake of preventive measures to eliminate cervical cancer across the continent.

Father Charles Chilufya, chair of the preparation committee Africa Health and Economic Transformation Initiative (AHETI) said that cervical cancer is the leading cancer in women in Africa contributing to about 125,699 new cases and 80,614 deaths annually.

“Advocacy, awareness and community education are key strategies for mobilizing for effective, Africa-wide prevention and control of cervical cancer,” Chilufya said.

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women, causing an estimated 662,300 new cases and 349,000 deaths annually.

Chilufya added that most women are diagnosed in advanced stages of the diseases, when treatment options are limited and more costly.

The faith leaders committed to enhanced collaborative networks by establishing new partnerships and strengthened existing ones among faith-based organizations, health authorities, advocacy and community groups to enhance the reach and effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention efforts.

The religious leaders also pledged to   conduct multiple sessions and workshops for faith leaders, equipping them with the necessary and relevant knowledge and resources to advocate effectively for behavioral change communication, HPV vaccination, HPV screening, treatment, palliative care and survivorship.


Property developers rais alarm of exploitation by Authority

Ftom left,: The Chairman and Secretary General of the property developers welfare society. Photo Benard Mulwa

By Benard Mulwa

Eastleigh property developers Assoviation has raised concerns over harassment and exploitation of developers following presidential directives on constructing houses near the Eastleigh airbase.
President William Ruto directed that the law must be followed and adhered to when contracting high raise building near the Eastleigh airbase, the President was speaking during the 60th Kenya Air Force anniversary celebration on 8th of June 2024.
The Association has called for a stakeholders meeting ftom both the county and national government to address misinterpretation cresting confusion among stakeholders to distinguish between legitimate development activities and unlawful practices to prevent harassment and exploitation of developers by the authorities.


Cheers to Gin! Celebrating the Spirit’s Special Day

Photo Caption: Mixologist Lushasha posing for a photo at a past Gilbeys Event

by Bruno Aero

Today , it has evolved into a cultural movement cherished by gin lovers worldwide. The juniper-infused spirit has captured hearts and minds, transitioning from a mere cocktail ingredient to a cultural icon that inspires creativity and innovation in the world of mixology.

Gilbeys: A Favorite Spirit for Gin Lovers

Since 1857, Gilbeys has significantly transformed how Kenyans enjoy gin, becoming a favorite among gin enthusiasts. Its unique blend of botanicals and smooth finish makes it an ideal choice for crafting perfect gin cocktails that cater to various flavor profiles.

“Gilbeys continues to pioneer innovative consumption moments and define the art of mixology, transforming the cocktail scene and shaping the way our customers sip, savor, and celebrate gin cocktails,” says Zipporah Ndung’u, Gilbeys Brand Manager.

“As we raise our glasses to toast to World Gin Day, I urge our consumers to celebrate not only the spirit itself but also the rich history and creativity that surrounds one of the most iconic gins in the world.”

Renowned Kenyan mixologist Lushasha notes that the classic Gin and Tonic is a versatile cocktail that can be enjoyed on any occasion, even at home.

“Gin is one of the most versatile brands and easy to make cocktails with because of the botanicals used. It’s easy to play with and mix with any mixers.

As we celebrate this iconic day, it’s a great time for gin enthusiasts to try out classic cocktails such as Gin and Tonic, Negroni, and Gin Fizz—perfect cocktails that you can never go wrong with,” says Lushasha.

Gin’s popularity transcends borders, with its influence reaching every corner of the globe. From the classic London Dry to the exotic botanical blends of craft distilleries, gin has become a symbol of sophistication and versatility.

Here’s to gin, a timeless classic with endless possibilities. Cheers!

Gilbeys Cocktail Recipes to Try Out:

Gin Fizz

  • 60ml Gilbey’s Special Dry Gin
  • 30ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 30ml simple syrup
  • 1 egg white (optional)
  • Club soda, to top up


  • 30ml Gilbey’s Special Dry Gin
  • 30ml Campari
  • 30ml vermouth

Gilbey’s Special Dry Gin and Tonic

  • 60ml Gilbey’s Special Dry Gin
  • 120-180ml tonic water
  • 1 wedge of lime
  • Ice cubes


Naivas Chief Strategist Mr Abdreas Paleske speaking to the Media during the graduation of the 3RD Cohorts at the Naivas Prestige branch on Ngong Road, Nairobi.


Kenya’s leading supermarket Chain Naivas, has made a breakthrough in which 35 graduate trainees have joined the set-up.

Speaking at Naivas Prestige branch on Ngong Road, the firm’s Chief of Strategy Andreas Paleske said the programme which was launched in 2023 is geared towards empowering university graduates where it sources its workmanship to be able to compete effectively with their competitors.

” We are celebrating the graduates and I must say we are steadfast to making Naivas an employer of choice to all and sundry in the country. We want them to be able to succeed at Naivas and I want to make an assurance that training will not and here, ” said Paleske.

Ms Diana Mumbe Mutisya joined the programme in January 2023 from the University of Nairobi.

The retailer’s official said it’s within the firm’s policy to equip staff with the necessary skills and that he believes the graduates have what it takes to take the company to greater heights.

” We traverse several universities across the country looking for suitable candidates in our deliberate policy for a job creation but most importantly, it’s our desire to equip staff with the requisite skills required in the market,” added Paleske.

He urged the graduates to burn the midnight oil to ensure to prove their worth in the selection to work for the Supermarket Chain in various departments.


Guinness brought another thrilling edition of its Epic Live football experience to the heart of Nairobi

by Bruno Aero

Over 1,000 football fans gathered to enjoy the electrifying Dortmund vs Real Madrid FC match, all part of the unforgettable Guinness Matchday experience.

Orchid Lounge was transformed into a football fan’s haven with multiple huge screens streaming crystal-clear scenes of the stunning match. Surround sound ensured fans caught all the commentary, while delicious food and perfectly chilled Guinness drinks were served before topping off the evening with unrivalled entertainment.

Matchday MC Lotan Salapei kept fans engaged with football punditry, including the Guinness Clean Sheet challenge where fans tested their football knowledge for a chance to win two original jerseys of their favorite team and Ksh10,000 off their bill. But that’s not all fans also had the chance to win exclusive Matchday prizes through the Guinness Matchday Minutes game, where prizes were awarded if a goal was scored in their chosen Matchday Minute.

Speaking about the event, Guinness Marketing Manager Henrietta Reed said, “At Guinness, we recognize that football fandom is the heartbeat of our nation, and we share our fans’ passion. We are dedicated to creating unforgettable matchday experiences, where their love of the game is at the heart of everything we do.

The Epic Guinness Matchday Experience at Orchid Lounge is a testament to this, and as we anticipate an exciting new season ahead, we look forward to creating even more exciting matchday moments.”


Government to monetize minerals resources

The Principal Secretary Ministry of Mining, Elija Mwangi in the middle together with other regional mining officers at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Nairobi today. Photo: Benard Mulwa
By Benard Mulwa

Financial management and other critical reforms in the Mining sector are underway, the Principal Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs has today announced during the capacity building seminar for the regional mining officers in Nairobi.
Speaking at a press conference today, the PS said the government is looking at options of how to monetize and get revenue from mineral resources, the Ministry is continuing carrying out mapping of mineral resources and by the end of May this year the ministry will consider twenty four counties in confirmation of the quantities and qualities of mineral resources adding that both strategic and other minerals were identified during the national airborne geophysics survey where ninety seven minerals occurrences were identified, so that as a government can be able to know its resources.
The PS also disclosed that the small scales, medium scales, large scales and the Artisanal will be required to work with the regulations in place issues of licensing, “ so far we have received one thousand seven hundred and fifty six applications which are in deferent phases of evaluations,” he said, adding that the twenty seven artisanal committee which has been gazetted across the country must fast-track the process of granting artisanal licensing so that going forward, there should no issues of illegal mining as a results of luck of the necessary documents from the ministry.
The Artisanal who have been formalized in to cooperatives
So far have looked at six hundred applications and hope all the applications shall be cleared earnestly.
The Ministry has considered capacity building of artisanal mining committee so that as they grant the incensing they know to what extent their mandate is.
There are extensive discussions on illegal extraction and processing without paper work, in the month of April carried out operations, where by thirty eight foreigners and locals were arrested, “ this week we are in Samburu county, we are planning to do this exercise in each and every county,” he said have also discussed about mineral testing laboratory, and so far the ministry have procured equipments valued at six hundred million so that can revamp the main Madini house to an International standard and are also setting testing laboratory across the country.
The issues of value addition were also discussed and the ministry has written to each county government so that to give land to that national government for setting up mineral processing plant.
The Ministry has been allocated two hundred and seven million from the exchequer to facilitate all regions on issues of enforcement in order to achieve its mandate.


Ministry of Health to combat the triple threat among teenage in Nairobi

Mother – Ten year old holds her baby weighing 2kg. PHOTO: File
By Benard Mulwa

By Benard Mulwa
Concrete discussions on combating the triple threats among the teenage are at an advanced stage in Nairobi spearheaded by Center for reproduction rights, the reproductive health network Kenya, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of education
Key among the topics is to address the intertwined challenges of new HIV infections, adolescent pregnancies and sexual and gender-based violence among young people, which are significant barriers to Kenya’s progress towards the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental components of the response to address the triple threat. They encompass a range of issues including family planning, maternal health, access to safe abortion and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
The Ministry of Health has put in place interventions that will go a long way to reduce maternal paternal and antenatal motility and motilities in Kenya. According to medical experts, in 2023 Kenya is at 14 percent and most of the female of reproductive age 15 to 29 years are not able to access family planning.
The Ministry of Health has come up with new markets products in reaching 18 and above adolescents so that they can address their family planning and reduction of new HIV infection and prevention mother to child infections.
The Ministry of health has also enhanced youth private services to improve health outcomes, from level 3 to level 6 of all health facilities and has improved from 12 to 16 percent which is a huge milestone.
Another strategy that the ministry is working to address these challenges is the development of a comprehensive PCC strategy targeting the youths and has also developed the parent and caregiver guide strategy in 2022.
Mental health, drugs and substances is also a major driver to triple threat affecting the young people which the division is addressing.
Promotion of gender equity in relation to elimination of female genital mutilation and gender based violence, where the ministry has established a gender desk at the police stations in efforts to mitigate issues of GBV.
The ministry has also been able to capacity build health care providers to help the youths in matters of reproductive health and relations.
The ministry of health is also making final touches on the Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policy, family planning, and at what age should teenage access family planning has been a contentious issue bided by children’s ACT.
Center for reproduction rights and the reproductive health network Kenya, has been able to do Segregation of age for teenage with pregnancy, between 10 to 14 years, 15 to 17 and 18 to 19 which will help in addressing the missing link and to identify what age group is weak so that to put in more innervations.
According to latest reports from Kenya Aids strategic framework on HIV prevalence is 3.2 percent in 2023 in Nairobi and the objective of the framework is to reduce new infections by 75 percent, Kenya is at 72 percent as of 2022.


Business Reform to reduce Kenya’s Rampant Corruption says TI

by Bruno Aero

The Transparent International (TI), Mr. George Kiondo, Finance officer (TI) has emphasized the importance of early planning and foundational growth in the fight against corruption in Kenya.

Speaking at Business Integrity conference, Mr. Kiondo stated that instilling ethical practices and business preparedness from a young age is crucial to curbing corruption.

“Doing things from an early age and focusing on foundational growth is the only way to stop corruption,” said Mr. Kiondo. 

He stressed the necessity of sensitizing businesses to ethical practices and integrity in their operations.

The ODPP has outlined several approaches to tackle corruption effectively.

Automation of Systems- Implementing automated systems to enhance transparency within government operations and the tendering process.

Punitive Laws- Enforcing stricter laws to ensure that those found guilty of corruption face severe penalties.

Transparency Initiatives-Increasing transparency in all governmental processes to prevent corruption from taking root.

Mr. Kiondo,IT  also highlighted the need to ensure that suspects in corruption cases are duly punished and that there is a robust implementation of laws.

 “There are many cases that are dropped, and there is a need to punish suspects and implement laws effectively,” he added. 

He referred to notable cases such as the Kimwarer and Arror dams scandals, where suspects have continued to operate despite serious allegations.

The TI is committed to working with various stakeholders to ensure a corruption-free Kenya by fostering a culture of integrity and accountability from a young age.


Naivas and Visa Announce Strategic Partnership forLoyalty Cards

Naivas brand and the Visa brand in strategic partnership for Loyalty Cards.

Visa, a world leader in digital payments, and Naivas Supermarket, Kenya’slargest retailer,
have announced a strategic partnership to develop a co-branded loyalty card. This innovative collaboration aims to
enhance the shopping experience for Naivas customers by providing value-added benefits and rewards.
The co-branded loyalty card, a first-of-its-kind in the Kenyan retail sector, will combine the convenience and security of
Visa’s digital payment solutions with the benefits of Naivas’ customer loyalty program. The cardholders will have the
opportunity to earn loyalty points for every purchase made at Naivas Supermarket and other participating Naivas
partners, which can be redeemed for future discounts and special offers.
“The loyalty program which we have aptly dubbed as the Reward Card, is our way of appreciating our customers and
telling them asante for choosing us. Our mission is to provide an affordable world class shopping experience to our
customers, and we are always looking for ways to further enhance the customer offer. This partnership provides us with
an opportunity to do that, and customers will be able to use this card with the fact one can now use this card to shop
in millions of locations worldwide, it does not get any more global than that.,” said Andreas von Paleske, Naivas Chief
of Strategy.
In addition to earning and redeeming points, cardholders will also enjoy other advantages such as:
 Installments payments: Buy now pay later.
 Contactless Payments: The card allows for contactless payments, providing a safer, faster, and more
convenient way to pay.
 Global Acceptance: As a Visa card, it will be accepted at millions of locations worldwide, both online and offline.
 Secure Transactions: The card comes with Visa’s advanced security technologies, offering peace of mind to
Chad Pollock, Vice president and General Manager, Visa East Africa added, ” Our collaboration with Naivas Supermarket
is a significant step forward in our mission to enable seamless, secure digital payments for everyone, everywhere. We
are thrilled to bring this unique offering to consumers in Kenya which will allow all Naivas customers to have access to
a global, reliable and secure digital payment option in the form of a Visa card. By making digital payments more
accessible, we are helping to bridge the financial divide and paving the way for a more inclusive society. We look forward
to the positive change we can bring together”
The co-branded loyalty card will be available in all Naivas Supermarkets across the country in the coming months.