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IDRC_CRDI hosts a cultivate Africa’s future food systems conference

By irene mwende

International development research center (IDRC_CRDI) has today hosted a cultivate Africa’s future food systems conference at safari park hotel as a nation’s desire improve food and nutrition security to transform the food system to secure better livehoods for farmers and communities

The two organisations international development research center and Australian center for international agricultural research have partnered with select countries in Eastern and Southern African regions to fund applied research to develop and scale up sustainable climate resilient and gender responsive innovations for smallholder producers

Through the program nine projects have tested 19 innovations in Ethiopia,Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,Uganda among others have been provided with grants and four projects rolled over from phase one and started in October 2018 were closed in 2021 hence the four projects made significant contributions to increasing productivity and incomes improving human and livestock nutrition and the remaining five projects are focusing at the climate smart agricultural technologies such as insurance, drought tolerant and irrigation technologies

Speaking during the conference Ms Eleanor noted that the conference bring global movement that recognises the undeniable power of agriculture to shape societies economy

“The theme of this conference cultivate Africa’s future food systems is enabling resilient, equitable and sustainable food systems encapsulates the urgency with which we must unlock the vast untapped potential within our agricultural systems”said Ms Eleanor

She further added that Australia center for international agricultural research has been instrumental in addressing agricultural challenges faced by developing countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa region by emphasising collaborative partnerships, research and sustainable practices

“I am incredibly proud of the numerous achievements portrayed through the portfolio of the nine research projects that have created such a remarkable ripple effect across the twelve countries” said Eleanor adding that from drought resistant crops to precision agricultural techniques and gender responsive innovations for smallholder producers that significantly increase production and resilience in the face of climate change

In conclusion she highlighted cultivate Africa’s future food systems conference represents a beacon of hope for a continent poised for agricultural transformation by embracing innovation, empowering farmers and fostering collaboration.

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