By Meresia Aloo
The committee on Implementation has today met at a Nairobi hotel to deliberate on a number of issues.
They were meeting with the Ministry of Lands, National Lands Commission (NLC) and National Housing Corporations to consider the implementation status of the following reports:
Public Investment Committee’s 24th report on consideration of the Auditor-General’s Report on financial statements of State Corporations. Specifically, the National Housing Corporation
And the. Report of the Departmental Committee on Lands regarding a petition on irregular renewal of leases of land by Del Monte Kenya Limited.
While speaking to the press this afternoon after the proceedings the Managing Director and CEO of National housing corporation Mr.QS David Mathu noted that he engaged the committee on a number of issues.
The purpose of this engagent he said was to track the level of implementation of various recommendations that have been made by PLC regarding some audit issues that had arisen from NHC.
The audit issues touched on protection and the security of their land and various policies that they own across the country.In addition they also touched on matters to do with the implementation of National housing projects where they were required prior to commencing projects to ensure that they have complied with all statutory requirements.
According to him he reports that National housing corporation have gotten all necessary approval to avoid scenarios where contractors could actually commence projects and they are unable to proceed because other government agencies come in and perhaps say one or two documents are missing such as NEMA certification which is a very important document.
“Our submission to the Committee meeting this morning is that much ground have been covered.The corporation has also assured the committee members that the corporation now has in place ,a very good criteria that they are using for purposes of implementing a number of projects We are ensuring that all statutory approvals have been recieved and ensuring that land ownership documents are presented before commencing other projects.” QS David Mathu , Managing Director and CEO National Housing Corporation.