Kenya Top Stories


Nairobi Hospital holds free training on safe maternal and health care

By Dianah mukui

Today day Nairobi hospital conducted a free training on safe maternal and childcare dubbed ” The 2023 Mommy and baby fair” to mother’s

The training has provided mother’s golden opportunity to acquire knowledge about pregnancy, options in labour and childbirth, immunization, nutrition for mother’s and myths sorrounding pregnancy and delivery

Speaking during the free training on safe maternal and childcare The Nairobi Hospital chief executive officer James Nyamongo noted that family health education is critical in improving healthy living among the population and ending preventable maternal and perinatal deaths

“The Nairobi Hospital has organised 2023 Mommy and baby fair to raise awareness levels among the public on matters pregnancy, labour and childbirth” said Chief executive officer James Nyamongo

The Nairobi Hospital chief executive officer James Nyamongo highlighted Mommy and baby fair is an open forum that is free to all

“This year’s Mommy and baby Fair is unique ,it is not only going to be a fun-filled interactive session on pregnancy , labour and childbirth but also one where children will be attended to by specialist” added Nyamongo

He further noted the importance of pregnant women receiving quality antenatal care and preconception.

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