Rural Private Hospitals Association (RUPHA) on Wednesday issued a 7 day notice of stop to accept use of NHIF cards in private hospitals. It is now 8 months, NHIF has failed to pay for services rendered. At other times, they underpay for services rendered, paying very minimal percentages of valid claims. Even payments for outpatient services have not been remitted as well. Private hospitals are no longer able to guarantee crucial services such as outpatient, maternity and cancer to NHIF beneficiaries.

Government is accusing private hospitals of causing NHIF to lose up to 50% of their collections due to scandalous claims. This is despite the fact that only 100 private hospitals out of 8,000 hospitals have been receiving funds from NHIF. But according to RUPHA, there are other causes:
a) Medical schemes for teachers and police was removed from NHIF to A O Minet. This resulted in NHIF losing 25 billion Shillings as income.
b) Corrupt practices within NHIF.
Private hospitals are recommending cash basis to replace NHIF in private hospitals as a solution. Doctors are hereby admitting that NHIF is dead.

Measures to be implemented as from December 2023:
a) NHIF patients requiring admissions for medical cases will be requested to pay theatre fees.
b) NHIF patients requiring surgery will be requested to pay theatre fees.
c)NHIF patients receiving cancer care will have to pay consultation fees.
d) NHIF patients on Linda Mama Scheme will have to pay procedure fee for normal delivery.
e) RUPHA member facilities will continue to attend to NHIF beneficiaries in emergency and critical situations.