Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Hon.Susan Nakhumicha giving her speech during the official opening of KEMRI Annual Scientific Health(KASH)
The Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Hon.Susan Nakhumicha today initiated the official opening of the KEMRI Annual Scientific and health(KASH) conference and the launch of the Human Genetics and Genomics Society of Kenya.
The four days conference whose theme is geared on harnessing Biomedical Research Innovations and Big Data for Health System Resilience, Local Manufacturing,and Commercialization commenced at a hotel in Nairobi.
The CS commended the organizers for focusing on key areas such as building a Regional Biopharmaceutical Innovation and production ecosystem and building a regional Medtech Innovation and Production Ecosystem.
She said that the sessions are pivotal in shaping the landscape of medical manufacturing in our region, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation that will undoubtedly contribute to the health security of our nations.

Mr Rajnickant Chandulal Vora D.C.K Chandulal Vora and Companies LTD with Health CS Hon .Susan Nakhumicha after the official launch of Kasha.
The Director General (KEMRI) Prof.Elijah Songok gave an overview of what is expected of the four days confrences.indicating other sub themes that are expected to reflect on the diverse and dynamic landscape of biomedical research, addressing pressing issues that impact global health. From One Health and the control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) to the intersection of climate change and health.
He said ,”topics such as mental health, trauma, and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs,innovations in infectious and parasitic disease control, discuss the vital nexus of nutrition and food security, and unravel the potential of Omics and forensic”.
He added that other focus will be directed to emerging technologies, vaccines, and product development, emphasizing the pivotal role of health systems, big data, and digital health in shaping the future.
According to the Chairperson Board of Directors KEMRI Dr.Abdullahi Ali in his speech said Research and development will allign with the government’s strategic emphasis on enhancing local manufacturing for advancement of healthcare.
KASH chair Dr Cecilia Mbae said the theme underscores the commitment by Kemri to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge research and utilisation of transformative technology.
“We believe that through collaborative efforts and innovative research and development, we can contribute significantly to the realization of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Kenya”.Dr Abudhuahi said.
The conference brings together researchers, collaborators both local and international, various stakeholders, partners and policy makers to share information.

Among the prominent collaborators and entrepreneur in the health sector was Mr Rajnikant Chandulal Vora who has positively collaborated with the team to work alongside the Gates Foundation to develop the above patent.Advised the team on the partnership with various organizations including UNICEF, PFSCM, AMSP and others for the procurement of medical devices for global supply.
The health pioneer and entrepreneur gave insights and pioneers local manufacturing health products and technologies (UCH) which will not only empower Kenya as a country but also the health sector at large .