Addressing the media on Sunday 3rd March, Jimi wanjigi said that Kenyans have created challenges before and they have continued to, stating that situations the government has put Kenyans into continuously ignoring court rulings on unconstitutional projects, failing to deliver on its own promises
He continued to say that the government has failed to provide adequate security, subjecting its own to extreme high costs of living, and the list goes on and on.
“In regards to Public debt on February 27th the national treasury submitted a report to parliament indicating that Kenya had borrowed 223 Billion shillings from September to January. In just February alone Kenya has added 545 Billion shillings to that borrowing making the total for six months 768 Billion shillings, which is more than Uhuru Kenyatta’s highest borrowing spree in the year 2022/2023. “Read his statement
“Parliament has only approved borrowing of 341 Billion, this is purely illegal. Where is it allowed to borrow more in order to pay back an existing loan or where in the budget can we take an infrastructure bond to fund infrastructure?
This is a debt driven economy and we are becoming slaves to it.
Add to that on February 29th usable foreign exchange plunged by 259 million shillings which left us at 3.7 months of Import cover. This confirms that people are still buying USD and have no confidence in the Shilling. “
He further noted that it’s a sad state of affairs that even as Kenyans continue to suffer, the conversation has completely shifted from the people to power, control and positions due to the latest conversations about the AU chairmanship position.
“A few weeks ago, my very good friend, the Rt.Hon. Raila Odinga expressed his desire for the African Union Chairmanship position, and honestly given his many years of impactful leadership in this country and beyond, I can confidently say he is the right man for the job.
What I don’t understand however, is why since his declaration, the people’s agenda, which we were made to believe, his coalition was championing has been put on hold, and now the focus is on; if and when he takes the seat, who is going to benefit and how.” Continued to say
Wanjigi added that The Azimio coalition is dredging the political landscape and pulling out people who have been part of Kenya’s problem and presenting them as solutions, as the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition is busy scheming on how to take credit on Mr Odinga’s candidacy and how to reap from it.
“We have one problem in kenya, it is William Ruto, he is status quo. He is continuity of the same problems he help create that has brought us here. The same people who created the problems cannot get us out of it.He offers no hope nor real change.
Fellow Kenyans, I understand and share in your pain. We have got a lot of challenges in our great Country. But equally, we got enormous strengths. We are optimistic people. We beam daily with hope. We are known for unrelenting fights for change. We have always shown a greater togetherness. We are going to win our economic and financial security future. Don’t doubt we won’t throw our hands and give up. We will not quite, I will not quite until real change is achieved in Kenya.” He noted
Jimi Wanjigi is a Kenyan businessman, entrepreneur, and political figure. He is known for his involvement in various sectors including real estate, telecommunications, and media. Wanjigi has also been involved in Kenyan politics and has been associated with various political parties and figures.