By Musyoka
The Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Fourth Review Conference on the United
Nations Programme of Action is to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms
and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UN PoA) and its International Tracing Instrument (ITI)
Speaking during the event principal secretary ministry of interior Raymond Omollo stated Small arms and light weapons continue to wreak havoc in
communities, fuel conflicts, undermine peace and stability,
and hinder socio-economic development across East and
Southern Africa and the continent at large.
“This Regional Preparatory Meeting presents a valuable
opportunity for us to take stock of our achievements,
assess the challenges that lie ahead, and chart a courseof action that will enable us to effectively address the root
causes of SALW proliferation.
Kenya stands firm in its commitment to fully implement the
Program of Action and the International Tracin instrument.” Said Omollo
High Representative to the Regional Preparatory remarks stated
Meeting for the Fourth Review Conference on the Programme of Action on The objective of the gathering is to create a platform to enable exchange of
views on the challenges and opportunities.
It will also allow to discuss the
lessons you have learned in the implementation of the PoA/ITI since the last
RevCon3 in 2018. It is also an opportunity for you to acquaint yourselves with the
global developments and dynamics in the small arms and light weapons (SALW)
domain, including new technologies, development of national targets and action
plans, and the recent adoption of the New Global Framework for Through-life
Conventional Ammunition Management. Finally, it is an opportunity for us to
assist you in the preparation for the deliberations at RevCon4.