by Maximilla Wafula
National Human Rights Organization ( Hakijamii) led by Executive Director Amina Hashi today launched the State of Housing Report Volume 3 at the Ufangamano House .The report presentation by prof.Alfred Omenya , Eco-build Africa on the state of housing volume 3. The Hakijamii organizations which works with marginalized groups to support them in advocating for the realization of their economic, social and cultural rights .

It’s overriding mission is to strengthen the capacity of people’s organizations to participate in governmental decision – making effectively and directly inorder to realize economic and social rights as well as hold duty bearers . She said that Hakiijamii has been in the forefront in championing for the rights to adequate and affordable housing including reasonable standards of sanitation for communities . As part of its initiative to realise the right to adequate and affordable housing , Hakijamii has taken lead in development of the state of housing in Kenya report ; a publication that seeks to take stock of achievements and challenges faced in implementation of the affordable housing policies and programmes. The state of housing Reports Vo. 1, 2and 3 review the government’s housing programme between 2017-2022 .she said ..
The outcome expected is to get the findings and recommendations of the state of housing report vol.3 will provide a framework for evaluation and reflections to ensure to ensure learning is used to inform program interventions and provide insight in planning at community, county and national level.