By Fred Maingi
The Nairobi County Football Association(NCFA) has rejected any deliberations and resolutions arrived at during a joint Fifa /CAF and FKF meeting held in Nairobi.
NCFA county representatives accused Fifa of smacking Kenyans on their face by engaging with corrupt Football Kenya Federation(FKF), officials who have pending cases in court.
Led by Chairman Charles Njoroge, the NCFA county officials further blamed Sports Cabinet Secretary Hon. Ababu Namwamba for failing to initiate a meeting with football stakeholders for a joint discussion with the fact finding Fifa delegation.
“It is now very clear that FIFA has officially endorsed corruption and mismanagement of Kenya football. We are sending a strong message to the architects of corruption in Kenyan football and their masters that we shall remain vigilant and unbowed in our pursuit for a corrupt free sporting space”Observed Njoroge.
“We are extremely disappointed with Sports C. S. Hon.Namwamba for failing to demonstrate fidelity to the constitution of Kenya 2010 and the Sports Act 2013″noted the NCFA Boss.
The stakeholders in a press conference held at a Nairobi Hotel appealed to the Government to form a Normalisation committee to run football for six months to streamline football activities.

In attendance were Nyamira county Chairman Jared Nyauma, James Lagat ( Nandi county Chairman), Stephen Kiama(Kisii NCFA Vice Chairman) and Virginia Mueni from Machakos.
Other County officials included Michael Kimani (Uashin Gishu), John Muchiri(Tharaka Nithi), and Hassan Mwaniki who is the Vice chairman Taita Taveta among other officials.
The county officials insisted FKF National Executive committee is an Illegal body having been disbanded by dint of Gazette notice 12374 of 12th November 2021 and further upheld in the constitutional petition no E473 of 2021.
Therefore, Njoroge added, any deliberations and resolutions emanating from the meeting with an illegal entity is null and void “