by Maximilla Wafula
Today Abubakari Zubeiry bin Ally Mufti Tanzania [Chief Sheikh]. Led all other Mufti, Deputy Muftis of Uganda, Burundi and representative from the office of Mufti in Ethiopia, former Chief Kadhis and other prominent persons in the launch of one of the auspicious and historical event in Kenya of the Kenya Fatwa Council (KENFAT) in event hall of Al Huda Mosque, south B.
The Council body will assist in giving Rulings (Fatawa),matters of Moon sighting closely working with the East African Moon Sighting commission and the body will act as peacemaker to reach out to all the council members from all over the country .Its rulling will be based on the Quran and sunna , where it shall be pronounced Fatwa according to the person , place and nature of the happenings mostly on matters Ibaada, Business , Finance ,Social happenings away from traditional institutional rulings that most of time are based on particular institutions .It will also work and collaborate with institution that are already in place like Supkem , CIPK, The kadhis court and other notable muslim bodies .

On his part, Tanzania Mufti Abubakari Zubeiry said “it’s our responsibility to maintain peace and tranquilty as we create relationship between Mufti of Tanzania and Fatawa of Kenya Council ‘’
Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims, Director General Lattif N. Shaban during the launch of the Fatwa body Council of Kenya said “ there is no competition with council which consists of scholars in their own right in terms of high level ranking , he emphasized the council to look into the Hustler fund initiative and the NHIF for Muslims family ’’
Lastly Zubeiry thanked all who graced the occasion , political science leaders and any other Muslims leaders who were present and prayed that the body will succeed to work for the benefit of the Muslim Umma and the country at large.