The Women In Real Estate (WIRE) on Friday held the 7th Annual Legends and Leaders forum in Nairobi. The event brought together well-known female executives in Kenya’s construction industry to emphasize the value of gender inclusion in the sector.Legends
and Leaders event also gave WIRE Kenya the chance to honor and celebrate the achievements
of women leaders in the built environment of Kenya while exhibiting their successes and
contributions to the sector. The event also marked the launch of WIRE Kenya’s 4th Women
Representation in the Built Environment Report on gender inclusion in the built environment.
The event’s theme was in line with the International Womens Day – ‘DigitALL: Innovation and
Technology for Gender Equality’.
The Permanent Secretary, the State Department for Housing and Urban Development (SDHUD), Hon. Charles Hinga Mwaura CBS, CA(SA) said in a speech that was delivered by Lilian
Kieni, Deputy Director (SDHUD) said that Kenya has charted a path for the women artisans to utilize their skills and earn a living through work in the affordable housing projects.
“We are not overlooking the importance to also expand representation of the professional women,’ Kieni said.
She noted to that people who work in non-formal, informal and formal sectors gain knowledge, skills, expertise, and attributes through practice.
“Consequently, all people should have the opportunity for the recognition of their acquired knowledge and skills as well,” she observed
Chief guest Hon. Farida Karoney, Former Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Lands & Physical planning, in her keynote address recognized the contribution and importance of technology as an enabler to gain equality.
“The digitisation of land records that was unveiled while I was in office will go a long way in eliminating land grabbing.It seeks to promote transparency, equity non-discrimination and
protect the rights and responsibilities of property owners,” said Ms. Karoney.
“We have charted a path for the women artisans to utilize their skills and earn a living through
work in the affordable housing projects. We are not overlooking the importance of also expanding representation of the professional women,” he added.
The annual report that was launched gives fact driven insights into the state of gender inclusion in the built industry’s professional and artisan associations, institutions of academia
and vocational training.