by Kevin Shamalla
The Attorney General Alliance Africa (AGA- Africa) has noted with greatest concern the increase in infringement of intellectual property around the world.
AGA-Africa International adivisor Mr.John Edozie (pictured below) says intellectual property was a key pillar and crucial to driving a country’s economy to greater heights and it was time for nations to form policies that would protect individuals as regards to intellectual property.
“Intellectual property fosters creativity and propels economic growth” Edozie acknowledged that ideas of the mind shaped the world & businesses nowadays not only focuses on investments on goods and physical assets alone.
Edozie made the remarks at the launch of the Anti counterfeit Authority symposium launch in Nairobi.
AGA-Africa mandate includes training of investigators,prosecutors and judicial officers in the investigation and prosecution of transnational crimes.
It also participates in seminars and other events to educate and draw attention to the danger of transnational crimes.