Kenya Top Stories


Non State land actors oppose transfer of valuation functions from NLC

Kenya’s Non State land actors on Wednesday  opposed the transfer of valuation functions from the National Land Commission (NLC) to the Ministry of Lands.

The civil society noted that when land governance processes were presided over by the then Ministry of Lands, they  were riddled by rampant land grabbing, severe land insecurity, poor accountability, inequalities in land allocation, rampant corruption, landlessness and poor land use planning.

“Compulsory land acquisition procedures domiciled in the Ministry of Lands during that time were either abused or not adhered to leading to irregular acquisitions, delayed or denied compensation and numerous lengthy court cases,” the civil society said.

According to the land sector non state actor, the consistent attack of the National Land Commission as an independent commission is an affront to the Constitution and seek to delegitimize the role of the National Land Commission and its independence for short term selfish gains.

The press briefing by the land sector non state actors follows remarks made by President William Ruto on 21st of May, 2023 at a public prayer rally in Isiolo County regarding the role of National Land Commission (NLC) for Compulsory Acquisition of Land for mega infrastructural development projects. In his statement, the President is quoted indicating that it his intention and that of his government to have the role of valuation reverted back to the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning.


EAC concludes national consultations for drafting the political confederation constitution

by Ronald Njoroge

The EAC on Sunday concluded national consultations for drafting the political confederation constitution.

EAC secretary general hon.(dr) Peter  Mathuki told a  press conference in Machakos, Kenya that stakeholders  recommended the elimination of borders to allow complete free movement, residency, and trade.

“tTe public also called for clear levels of decision making for the eac federation and national governments,” Mathuki said.

Kenya is the third partner state where national consultations conducted after Burundi in January 2020 and Uganda in April 2021.

The committee of experts tasked with drafting the constitution for the proposed eac political confederation was chaired by Uganda’s retired Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki.

The objectives of the national consultations for the EAC  political confederation were to enhance awareness on the ongoing constitution-making process for transforming the EAC into a political confederation as well as obtain stakeholders’ views on their interests and key issues to inform the drafting of model confederation and subsequently a confederal constitution in line with the principle of people-centred regional community.


The institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya launches   Cost Handbook

The institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (IQSK) on Thursday   launched   cost Handbook. President IQSK, Qs. Jennifer Musyimi said that the idea to collaborate in issuing cost information to the construction industry was mooted sometime last year during a networking session in order to reduce the ambiguity in the market and assure credibility of the information which is highly relied upon.

“This handbook therefore is the culmination of year-long efforts to accurately collect and analyze construction cost data,” she said.

The handbook contains information on construction costs in Kenya for select items and buildings types.

The prices are based on averages of data collected from various quantity surveying firms and construction companies across the country.

Musyimi observed that the information published is meant for guidance and should be adjusted on a project by project basis to take into account factors such as location, specifications of building materials, wall to floor ratio, floor to ceiling heights.

She added that the handbook will continue to be updated on a biannual basis with occasional notes being issued to the public.

Joel Arumonyang, the principal secretary for the state department for public works said that handbook will help Kenya to expand its construction sector through building certainty into the industry.


The Eastleigh Business District Association (EBDA) wholeheartedly endorses Noordin Haji as the Director General of the National Intelligence Service (NIS)

By irene mwende

Noordin Haji’s considerable experience in law enforcement and the justice system, complemented by his steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law, render him an exceptionally qualified candidate for this crucial role.

“Throughout his illustrious
career, Noordin Haji has made remarkable contributions, including his exemplary work at the Attorney General’s Office and his previous position as the Deputy Director of the Counter Organised Crime Unit at the NIS. His dedication to excellence and duty has distinguished him in these high-ranking roles.” Said the chairman

As the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Noordin Haji has spearheaded significant reforms within the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).
These reforms include the successful deployment of an electronic filing system, significantly enhancing service delivery, and the establishment of the Prosecution Training Institute (PTI). The PTI, an advanced academy within the ODPP, plays a pivotal role in developing the skills and capabilities of prosecutors in the region.

“Noordin Haji’s progressive review of policies and guidelines in the prosecution sector has disrupted the outdated and corrupt system of the past, earning him adversaries amongst those who benefited from it.” Added the chairman

Noordin Haji’s dedication to working with social justice centres demonstrates his commitment to nurturing a fair society. He has actively collaborated with human rights groups and community-based organisations to advocate human rights, combat extrajudicial killings, champion the rights of women and marginalised groups, and resist injustice. His efforts have helped create a safer and more equitable community where justice is accessible to all.
Noordin Haji’s return to the NIS as the Director General signifies a new chapter in his career. With his extensive experience in law enforcement and the justice system, he is well-prepared to effectively address the national security challenges facing our nation.
His strong academic background, including an LLB and LLM Degrees from the University of Wales in Cardiff, a Master’s Degree in National Security Policy with Merit (MNSPO) from the Australian National University, and a post-graduate diploma from the Kenya School of Law, further reinforces his impeccable credentials for the position.

“As the DPP, Noordin Haji has played a pivotal role in overseeing high-profile corruption investigations and prosecutions in Kenya. ” Said the chairman

His unyielding efforts to combat corruption and his commitment to enhancing inter-agency collaboration and coordination in the fight against crime have earned him respect from his colleagues, the broader community and beyond.

His understanding of the importance of a stable political environment led him to play a critical role in initiating bipartisan talks between the main players in last year’s presidential election, saving the country billions of shillings that would have been lost if protests had continued

“We believe these qualities are amongst those considered by the President in nominating him as the new chief of the NIS.” Added the chairman

The EBDA firmly believes that Noordin Haji, with his extensive qualifications and experience, is the best-suited public official to be nominated as the Director General of NIS.
His nomination signifies a positive advancement in fortifying Kenya’s justice system and lays the groundwork for a more secure and prosperous future for all.
We unreservedly support his appointment and have utmost confidence in his ability to lead the NIS effectively, ensure the security of our nation, and steadfastly uphold the rule of law.


CS Machogu Establishes KAIST’s Inaugural Council, Appoints Prof. Mutisya Chairman


The Cabinet Secretary of Education, Hon Ezekiel Machogu, has, in a Monday gazette notice this week, established the first ever Council for the Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

The CS appointed Prof. Emmanuel Mustisya as the Chairman and Prof. Washington O. Yotto, Dr. Collins. K. Tanui, Eng. Meshack Kidenda and Purity Mureithi as members of the Council for a period of three years.

The Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology is  an institution modelled after the Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), aiming to be a critical catalyst for fast tracking modernization and transformation of Kenyan society into middle-income country by 2030.

Therefore, the institution development – supported by the South Korea government – is in progress at Konza Technopolis with prospects of admitting the first batch of students later this year. It is one of the anchor tenant at the upcoming smart city.

In a Gazette Notice No.6757 of Universities Act (No.42 of 2012) dated the 22nd May 2023, CS Machogu said: “IN EXERCISE of the Powers conferred by Section 36 (1) of the Universities Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Education appoints – Under paragraph (a) Emmanuel Mutisya (Prof.) Chairperson Under Paragraph (d) Washington O. Yotto (Prof), Collins. K. Tanui (Dr), Meshack Kidenda (Eng.) and Purity Mureithi as chairperson and members of the Council of the Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, for a period of 3 years, with effect from 23rd May 2023.”

The Chairman, Prof. Mutisya is a Project Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate Program in Sustainability Science, Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI) and a Coordinator of the Next Generation of Researchers Group. On his part, Dr. Tanui is a Research Scholar at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, a position he has held since December 2022.

Prior to that position, he was a Post-doctoral Associate at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. Professor Yotto Ochieng, FREng, is the current Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Chair Professor in Positioning and Navigation Systems at Imperial College London.

In conclusion, he is also the Senior Security Science Fellow at the Institute for Security Science and Technology (ISST) at Imperial College in London.



Bahati Member of Parliament The Honorable Irene Njoki is such a visionary leader whose main focus is to leverage on the best platform for the welfare and benefit of the Bahati people.
Hon Irene has continued to roll out an ambitious initiative coined the “Akiba na Mrembo Empowerment Program”.
“The Akiba na Mrembo Empowerment Program training for B&D self-help group from Giachonge in Dundori ward was conducted today. The group members consisted of Bracharia and Desmodium grass farmers from lower Dundori.

I wish to congratulate the group for adopting the Akiba na Mrembo empowerment program pillar of embracing a saving and investment culture through their table banking and savings activity. I call upon more groups to come on board and let us walk this journey together.

As Margaret Maed said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens who can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”


Pharmadex International to set up operations in Somaliland economic zones by end of 2023

By Ronald Njoroge

Pharmadex International plans to set up operations in Somaliland’s Berbera economic zones by end of 2023

Dr. George Kariithi, Director of Pharmadex International said that they plan to locate their business premises inside  the  economic zone due to the strategic advantages it offers.

“We shall a warehouse in the economic zone because of its well-developed infrastructure as well as proximity to the Berbera Port,” Kariithi said in Nairobi during celebrations to mark the Somaliland’s  32nd national  anniversary day for the Reassertion of Sovereignty.

Pharmadex International already supplies Somaliland with high quality essential medicines and establishment of physical presence will enable it to tap into the greater horn of Africa nations including Ethiopia Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen.

Dr Karithii said he has partnered with local investors to begin mineral exploration activities.


Maybelline New York Unveils Ayra Starr in Nairobi As Sub-Saharan African Spokesperson

By Irene mwende

Today Maybelline New York has officially unveiled popular Nigerian hitmaker Ayra Starr in Nairobi as its brand spokesperson for Sub-Saharan Africa. Starr will represent the brand across the region, and will be involved in initiatives aimed at women’s empowerment and self-expression. 

As a young African musician, Starr’s appointment allows Maybelline access to an influential target market in a country with over 70% of its population under 35. Maybelline said Ayra is an international music artist with hits all across the world, has amazing style, with millions of fans in Kenya who look up to her.

“The synergies between the brand and Ayra Starr’s unwavering passion for originality and individuality form the inspiration behind our partnership as we seek to empower our youthful population with the confidence that they can go for what they want,” said L’Oréal East Africa MD Yassine Bakkari.

The musician joins the list of an impressive lineup of international stars who have helped shape the identity of the Maybelline brand.

Speaking during the event L’Oréal consumer products division general manager Victoria Karanja said the presence of L’Oréal in Kenya will continue to grow and this is part of efforts to create beauty that moves the world hence Working with personalities like Ayra plays an important role in attracting and connecting with the young consumers.



By Irene mwende

Today marked significant milestone for Kenya’s economic development as the high-level launch of the National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment (NPCGA) and the Holistic Programme for Fostering Productive Capacities and Structural Economic Transformation . The event brought together esteemed speakers, including representatives from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Resident Coordinator, Chairman Kenya Vision 2030 Board as well as Senior Government Officials, Development partners, Civil Society, and Diplomatic corps.

The Chairman of the Vision 2030 Delivery Board, Hon. Sakwa Bunyasi, expressed gratitude to UNCTAD for spearheading the development of the NPCGA and designing the Holistic Programme for Kenya. He said these initiatives aim to address the key challenges and binding constraints that hinder productive capacities and economic growth in the country.

“The launch of the NPCGA and the Holistic Programme is a vital step towards building an all-inclusive, resilient, and sustainable economy in Kenya. By working together, we can position Kenya as a regional and global leader, creating opportunities for all Kenyans to thrive and prosper.” Said Bunyasi

The chairman added that the Holistic Programme aligns with various development frameworks in Kenya, including the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), the Fourth Medium-Term Plan (2023-2027) of the Kenya Vision 2030, the African Union Agenda 2063 commitments, and the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals

In her remarks Ms. Ada Mwangola, the Acting Director-General of the Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat, expressed gratitude to UNCTAD for collaborating with the secretariat further revealing the partnership aims to identify
Kenya’s competitiveness, address bottlenecks, and foster productive capacities through policy changes.

Mr. Paul Akiwumi, Director of the Division for Africa, LDCs, and Special Programmes at UNCTAD, highlighted Kenya’s impressive development gains despite a few key trade and development challenges , including the COVID-19 pandemic. He emphasized the importance of addressing inefficiencies in logistics supply chains, securing long-term financing, and implementing efficient taxation systems to advance structural transformation.

“The NPCGA provides valuable insights into Kenya’s socioeconomic challenges and identifies key constraints to socioeconomic development,” stated Mr. Akiwumi. “Through the Holistic Programme, we aim to foster productive capacities and achieve structural economic transformation, in line with Kenya’s development aspirations.” he added

The NPCGA and the Holistic Programme represent critical tools for understanding Kenya’s socioeconomic landscape and recommending policy actions to unlock its development potential. With the launch of these initiatives, Kenya takes a significant stride towards a more prosperous and self-sufficient future.

Speaking during the launch Dr. Stephen Jackson, the United Nations Resident Coordinator to Kenya, defined the Productive Capacities Index (PCI), a brainchild of UNCTAD, as a powerful tool to assess and benchmark productive capacities for 193 countries and economies across eight dimensions and 46 indicators. He said that this statistical tool paints a multi-dimensional picture, providing a comprehensive diagnosis that scrutinises policies and strategies.

“It seeks to answer the fundamental question of how developing countries can best confront and overcome the gaps and limitations in their productive capacity development.”said Dr Stephen

He further acknowledged that Kenya, as a beacon of development in
Africa, has significantly benefited from UNCTAD’s preparation of NPCGAs, which have been conducted in several African nations. This assessment is a significant pillar of the ongoing work aimed at fostering productive capacities and catalysing structural economic transformation in developing economies.

“ These are not just numbers and graphs; they are vital for long-term, inclusive growth and development.” said Dr.Stephen.


Uganda’s Martha Muhwezi named Top 10 finalist for Africa Education Medal 2023

Founded by T4 Education and HP in collaboration with Microsoft, the Africa Education Medal is Africa’s most prestigious education accolade.
Uganda’s Martha Muhwezi, Executive Director of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE Africa), has been named as a Top 10 finalist for the Africa Education Medal 2023. Founded last year by T4 Education and HP in collaboration with Microsoft, the Africa Education Medal is Africa’s most prestigious education accolade.
Dr. Reeta Roy, President and CEO of the Mastercard Foundation, congratulated Martha Muhwezi:

“Congratulations, Martha, on this nomination as a finalist for the Africa Education Medal 2023. This is such a well-deserved nomination. We have worked together for 10 years. The Mastercard Foundation and FAWE have been strategic partners. I’ve seen your leadership in action. And I’ve seen the impact of our work in Uganda. And I know that this recognition will confer even greater influence, and will benefit even more lives of young people as we move forward.”

The Africa Education Medal was established to recognise the tireless work of those who are transforming education across the continent – to celebrate the stories of those who have lit the spark of change so others will be inspired to take up the torch. It is given to an outstanding individual who has demonstrated impact, leadership, and advocacy in the field of education.

Martha Muhwezi from Uganda is Executive Director of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), a pan-African NGO working in 33 countries to empower girls and women through gender-responsive education.

Her passion for education began 18 years ago, in a remote village in the eastern part of Uganda where many girls were not able to attend school and others dropped out due to early marriage and pregnancy. She joined FAWE in 2005 as a Technical Advisor, before becoming Executive Director of FAWE Uganda and then going on to head up the organisation across the whole continent.

Under Muhwezi’s leadership, FAWE designed the Higher Education Access Programme (HEAP), a bridging course that has provided young women as well as men an additional pathway into higher education in Uganda. Since its launch, enrolment in higher education in Uganda increased from 250,000 in 2019 to 270,000 students in 2022. The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in Uganda has recognised HEAP as a Fourth Pathway to university in Uganda.

In Uganda, she also spearheaded a range of initiatives including Mother Tongue Resource Books, Gender Responsive Pedagogy manuals and the Competence Profile for primary school teachers. FAWE Uganda has influenced the formulation of a gender in education policy in the country.

FAWE runs a range of initiatives including a comprehensive scholarship programme that helps prepare young women to transition to university or the world of work and a number of its alumni have gone on to prominent positions in governments across Africa. Over 6,500 girls and boys have benefited from FAWE’s Centres of Excellence, which were established in 1999 and have led to increased enrolment, performance, retention and completion rates, particularly for girls. A further 80,000 children have further benefited from FAWE’s Tuseme model since 1996, which has led to an improvement in girls’ self-esteem and in their leadership, social and life skills, teachers’ positive attitudinal change towards girls and a significant reduction in sexual harassment. Meanwhile, over 6,600 teachers have benefited from FAWE’s training model, while 15,000 students have benefited from FAWE’s STEM programme which has boosted girls’ participation in STEM subjects.

As FAWE Africa Executive Director, Muhwezi led the organisation to develop the Gender Equality Strategy for the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (GES4CESA), which calls for investment in equal education in Africa. She also gained FAWE the $1 million 2017 Al-Sumait Prize in the field of Education.