Kenya Top Stories


Over 200,000 children suffer from heart disease

By Jeff Kizilah

Cardic diseases affect all age group
Report by the ministry of health’s statistics say over 200,000 children under age of 18 years suffer from heart diseases in kenya every year.

It is estimated that 3000 pediatric cases per year in Kenya is based on population of 49.7million.

Speaking during the Heart to Heart run organised yearly held in Nairobi Dr. Dan Gikonyo ,the founder of H2HF, say the foundation has initiatives and programs throughout the calander year to train teachers on prevention of rheumatic heart diseases and lifestyle diseases.

This help to identify children with heart ailments in their schools promptly basis,he adds

The congenital heart diseases affects children from all classes.

However, each year over 10,000 babies are born with congenital heart defects.

Gikonyo said the only way to address the issue, is by upgrading cardiac services and increase of medical personnel at various hospitals.


Partnerships and development — two new European Investment Bank (EIB) reports outline a stronger commitment to global action

EIB Global Report: The Impact ( the results and numbers behind development activities outside the European Union and discusses the many challenges facing the economy and societies worldwide, including climate change, the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic; EIB Global Report: The Story ( the foundations of the European Investment Bank’s ( new development arm and discusses ways to fill investment gaps in areas such as gender equality, innovation, vaccines and green energy.

The world is beset by crises that are reshaping societies, economies, healthcare systems, transport and workplaces. Many parts of our lives are changing. The greatest challenges, such as COVID-19, climate change, poverty and equality, will require larger investments and more partnerships as this decade progresses. No single institution can meet the world’s needs for innovation and cooperation.

There is a lot of work to be done. Africa needs to increase spending on climate action by several hundred billion a year. The continent is running far behind other parts of the world in COVID-19 vaccinations. In renewable energy in homes and clean drinking water, developing countries are struggling to make big leaps. Hundreds of millions of people in Asia, Latin America and Africa have no power in their homes and no easy access to good water. The EIB Group brought green electricity to 2.6 million households outside of the European Union in 2021 and improved water for 4 million. We helped provide nearly 800 million doses of vaccines against COVID-19 and other diseases. But we need to work together to do much more.


Nigeria: crisis in northeast will worsen without urgent help, says OCHA

UN humanitarians issued an alert on Tuesday over the deteriorating situation for millions of mainly women and children in northeast Nigeria who continue to be affected by protracted armed conflict, just as the country enters the lean season.

Well over eight million people are in need of assistance in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states, and an estimated 600,000 face emergency levels of food insecurity because of extremist violence centred around the Lake Chad region, that’s now in its 12th year.

Boko Haram still a threat

Although previously dominant Boko Haram militia have been significantly weakened since the group’s leader was killed over a year ago, it continues to carry out indiscriminate attacks, said the UN’s top relief officialOpens in new window in Nigeria, Matthias Schmale. Another extremist offshoot, ISWAP, is also dangerous, although it had also suffered setbacks, he noted.

As in previous years, a staggering one million people are also beyond the reach of international aid teams, said Mr. Schmale, who is the acting UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria.

More than 80 per cent of those in need are women and children, who also face “abductions, rape and abuse”, while indiscriminate attacks in Borno state make it the most “unstable place to be”, he added.


Panoro CEO John Hamilton to Discuss African Energy Trends at African Energy Week 2022

John Hamilton, CEO of independent exploration and production company, Panoro Energy, will be attending and participating at African Energy Week (AEW) ( 2022, Africa’s premier event for the oil and gas sector, which will take place from 18 – 21 October in Cape Town. Representing one of the international majors driving upstream developments across Africa’s leading hydrocarbon producing countries including Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, South Africa and Tunisia, the presence and participation of Hamilton at AEW 2022 will be crucial for the discussion on African oil and gas market challenges and opportunities and the role independents such as Panoro Energy can play in boosting the continent’s hydrocarbon energy developments.

Having spent over 25 years of his career in energy and upstream oil and gas financing, Hamilton will drive AEW 2022 dialogues around how Africa can address inadequate investments across the entire oil and gas value chain, boosting exploration and production. Insights from Hamilton will be vital at AEW 2022 as stakeholders look at developing a blueprint of how the continent can navigate through energy transition and investment-related challenges.

Moreover, with the COVID-19 pandemic posing further challenges to making energy poverty history, Hamilton’s experience regarding African energy makes him an ideal participant regarding high-level discussions and meetings on how Africa can maximize the exploitation of its 125.3 billion barrels of crude oil and 620 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves to address energy poverty, access and affordability issues.

Hamilton has led Panoro Energy in a series of exploration, production and asset acquisitions across Africa. Under the leadership of Hamilton, Panoro Energy has recently secured an extension of exploration and production contract for Block G with the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea, was awarded an exploration license offshore Gabon in 2021 and expanded its portfolio with the acquisition of high-quality oil producing assets offshore Equatorial Guinea and Gabon from Tullow Oil.


Democratic Republic of Congo’s Upstream Segment Ripe for Growth and Investments

With oil and gas production in Africa declining due to diminishes in legacy projects in leading markets such as Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and Libya, emerging markets such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could potentially help revive Africa’s hydrocarbons market. As the DRC government seeks to maximize the exploitation of its hydrocarbon resources to address energy poverty and economic growth issues while also expanding the monetization of these resources through improved trading with international markets, the central African country’s upstream sector is ripe with opportunities for regional and international oil and gas players and investors.

Behind the market readiness for expansion are favorable regulatory improvements and the country’s largely untapped and potentially rich hydrocarbon basins that have led to international firms TotalEnergies and Perenco, and DRC parastatal Cohydro launching exploration activities. With only 4.5% of the DRC’s 180 million barrels of proven crude oil reserves having been developed so far, the launch of a licensing round for exploration in 16 oil blocks in May 2022 will further open up the DRC’s upstream market and unlock the country’s estimated 5 billion barrels of crude oil and 30 billion cubic meters of methane and natural gas reserves for production. In addition, with only one company, Perenco, producing oil in the DRC – at approximately 23,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2020 – more players are set to enter the market, kickstart production and place the DRC on course to achieve its daily production target of between 500,000 and one million barrels of crude oil per day.

With additional tax alleviation and exemptions set to be introduced by H.E. Didier Budimbu Ntubuanga, Minister of Hydrocarbons of the DRC, to attract investments to boost upstream activities, the market is well positioned to be a new destination for oil investment.

What’s more, the government of the DRC is looking at improving cooperation with regional counterparts and leading hydrocarbons producers including Equatorial Guinea, Angola, the Republic of Congo and South Sudan, with the aim of expanding energy exploration and production while creating a regional market and accelerating infrastructure growth.


Tigray: Time is running out to avert worrying levels of food insecurity

Farmers in parts of northern Ethiopia are in serious danger of losing the main planting season (June-August) if they do not receive urgent support from the international community to sow their fields, which would further deteriorate the already serious food security situation in the region.

With the rainfall outlook foreseen to be favourable, the season offers a crucial and cost-effective opportunity to improve food availability across the region. Most farmers in Tigray have completed land preparation and are waiting for the onset of the rains. However, limited access to agricultural inputs, particularly fertilizers and seeds, is a major threat to the season. 

FAO and its Agriculture Cluster partners are seeking to mobilize $96 million immediately, focusing specifically on the time-sensitive opportunity offered by the Government of Ethiopia to purchase fertilizers at cost price.

Over the last months, FAO and partners have mobilized $11 million, which enables them to meet just 10 percent of needs for fertilizers, leaving a gap of $85 million. 

FAO and partners are also exploring avenues to make 60 000 tonnes of fertilizers and locally-produced seed available to farmers (4 000 tonnes of seed, or 8 percent of the total needs). Given the very short window for planting (end-June to August), the first priority should be given to fertilizer, which is applied three to four weeks after planting.


Zambia: Hope for Kabwe Lead Poisoning Victims

The Zambian government’s recent actions to address the toxic legacy of lead in Kabwe, in central Zambia, brings hope to affected communities, 15 Zambian and international nongovernmental organizations said today.

In March 2022, Zambia’s President Hakainde Hichilema established a new technical committee to tackle extreme levels of lead pollution from a former mine and smelter in Kabwe, and to protect human health and the environment. The committee met for the first time on June 3 at the Ministry of Green Economy and the Environment and will propose a plan for a sustainable solution to the contamination in Kabwe.

“The Zambian government’s willingness to seek a long-term, sustainable solution together with stakeholders is a crucial development for addressing the environmental disaster in Kabwe,” said Namo Chuma, director of the Kabwe-based Environment Africa. “As civil society, we stand ready to support this process.”

The Ministry of Green Economy will oversee the committee, with representatives from the Zambia Environment Management Agency, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, the University of Zambia, and civil society organizations. The president has asked nongovernmental organizations to take an active role in the committee’s work, expressing appreciation for their efforts to address lead pollution.


Sudan: New Deadly Attacks in West Darfur

New attacks by armed Arab assailants on civilians in west Darfur since April 2022 have left hundreds dead, thousands displaced, and hundreds of civilian homes scorched, and property looted, Human Rights Watch said today.

The large-scale violence has been carried out particularly against civilians in Kerenik and Kulbus. It underscores the Sudanese government’s failure to fulfill its duty to protect civilians and the urgent need for ramped up United Nations monitoring, protection through its presence, and public reporting on events in Darfur.

“The last two months have shown all too starkly the devastating dividends of withdrawing peacekeepers and ignoring the ongoing need to protect civilians in Darfur,” said Mohamed Osman, Sudan researcher at Human Rights Watch. “It’s hard not to feel like the international community, which watched Darfur with eagle eyes for years, has completely abandoned these victims of ethnic cleansing.”

The joint human rights office in Sudan of both the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) and the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) should prioritize securing regular access to Darfur to investigate and publicly report on abuses; all parts of the UN mission, the UN system, and member states should support their work and increase protection monitoring and reporting capacity, including by deploying a stronger monitoring presence in Darfur.