Kenya Top Stories



by Maximilla Wafula

The Deputy Director of Climate Change Negotiations and Finance|Climate Change Directorate
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
​Michael Ochieng’ Okumu
on behalf of principal secretary, environment and forestry Dr. Chris Kiptoo, CBS , today launched the First electric mass transit bus operation in Kenya by ROAM . He emphasized on the need to cut down greenhouse gas emissions globally due to increase in the intensity and frequency of climate change impacts occasioned by global temperature rise threatening to exceed the threshold 1.5C above pre- industrial levels .Kenya is leading in many ways in addressing climate change by putting place the necessary legal policy and institutional framework for climate action.

Kenya has chosen the low emission climate resilient development to contribute to the global emission reduction , Kenya’s National Determine Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCC committed to a 32%GHG emission reduction by 2030 .

Transport sector, which currently accounts for a bout 12%of Kenya’s green house gas emissions and 45% of GHG emissions of Nairobi city is a priority NDC sector for the country. The sectors emissions are projected to rise if nothing is done rapidly. This emission growth dilemma is due to natural population growth and development that increases the demand for transport especially in urban setups like Nairobi city.

Further over , millions of Kenyans living in major cities and towns are directly exposed to toxic emissions, mainly from motor vehicles . Whereby, air pollution causes death and increase illness such as heart condition, respiratory ailments, brain damage and cancer .

The options available to arrest the anticipated emission growth and air pollution impacts include Non- Motorised Transport (NMT) and mass transport options such as Bus Rapid Transport (BRT.), the government has provided the appropriate infrastructure, such as pedestrian walkways and cycling lanes a long all newly constructed urban roads .For Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) , the government is working on providing infrastructure to facilitate the construction of segregated BRT lanes along major commuter routes in Nairobi city at different levels of implementation .

To leverage this , electric mobility such as the one by ROAM Electric that we are launching today , is critical on reducing the carbon footprint of Kenyans commuters , zero emissions buses are, therefore a pivotal add – on to the BRT road infrastructure.

Benefits of this transport option are massive. Noise and air pollution are eliminated. This will make Nairobi be of the healthiest cities to live in on the globe . The electric bus also needs far less servicing , lubrication or maintenance than traditional diesel bus, ensuring uptime is maximised , and maintenance costs are kept too.
County will save up foreign exchange used in importing diesel but utilise local electricity improving national business cash flows .

Today marks a historical event by launching the first fleet of fully electric Rapid Transit Buses by ROAM Electric for contributing to the shift zero an emission public transport system. The buses can carry 77 passengers , both seated and standing, travelling 360 km on a single charge when fully laden . It has priority seating for the elderly and disabled and has a dedicated wheelchair area with an access ramp .
Air conditions is clean and charges directly from the power grid or solar system.


The First ever Bone Marrow Transplant in Kenya launched

By Jeff Kizzilah and Nicholas Manduku

Nairobi West Hospital have launched the first bone Marrow transplant centre in Kenya,kenya joins the Transplant group which include South Africa, Tunisia and Egypt in Africa.

Speaking after the launch Professor Andrew Kanyi ,The Chief Medical Director ,Nairobi West Hospital said that the biggest challenge for most patients has been access to quality affordable health care specialised in Kenya.

He adds that the “Bone Marrow Transplant is an integral part of the Nairobi West hospital,the hospital aim to provide access to bone marrow transplants as a possible cure for patients with complex blood disorders”,

Dr.Kibet Shikuku ,Chief Consultant Pathologist says that the cancer burden is rising globally and that exerting significant strain for a populations health system at all income levels.

The BMT will offer cure in treating blood cancer like Acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphocytic leukaemia that is always difficult to treat with conventional therapy in Kenya.

Dr.Guarav Dixit,the Head of Bone marrow Transplant said its now evidence based across the globe and available in kenya to all who may need it a world class facility that can rival many in the west.



Group CEO amref Dr. Githinji Gitahi

by Maximilla Wafula

Group CEO Dr. Githinji gitahi , today led the Nairobi county health review taskforce stakeholders forum held at Hilton garden Inn, in
transforming the Health Sector of Nairobi County.

While addressing, he emphasized that there are existing challenges in the health systems, which must also be identified the possible way solutions to the system bottlenecks and opportunities for achieving universal health coverage in Nairobi County ~ Dr Githinji Gitahi.

Health reforms in Nairobi County has garnered momentum following the hosting of the Nairobi County Health Reforms Stakeholder Engagement Forum. The one- day forum organised by Amref Health Africa, Nairobi County and HENNET brought together over two hundred stakeholders from Nairobi County including NGOs, CSO, youth, community health workers, private sector and the business community, which aimed at highlighting existing gaps in the health sector and reviewing service delivery landscape of Nairobi County, and collectively identifying recommended remedial measures to reforms the sector.

Dr. Githinji Gitahi, the Chairperson of the County Taskforce and Group CEO of Amref Health Africa, pointed out that the team prioritises consultations with various stakeholders in Nairobi County in the quest to improve health systems in the county.

Speaking during the event, Dr Gitahi highlighted that the taskforce needed a unique strategy to accomplish its mandate within the given timelines. “It is not the first time that Nairobi County has established taskforces for health reforms, what we need is to come together and identify what we need refocus on to achieve equitable health services in the face of the changing landscape including effects of health and mitigation and adaptation on climate change”.
He called on Stakeholders to reflect on achieving an enabled and efficient mixed health system that does not distinguish the quality of services offered in public or private hospitals. He said, “while there are existing challenges in the health systems, we must also identify the possible solutions to the system bottlenecks and opportunities for achieving universal health coverage in Nairobi County”.

The Acting County Secretary & Head of public service Dr. Jairus Musumba speaking on behalf of the Governor reiterated that Health is one of the pillars of the county and the taskforce has a responsibility to ensure that the health and wellbeing of the people of Nairobi are upheld. He further called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to boost health care systems through investment, dedication and planning for resources, coordination, oversight, awareness creation and advocacy.
Some of the areas of discussion for the forum included Health infrastructure and facilities, sustainable health financing, strengthening health workforce, health products and technologies, health service delivery, health information and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems; research and development Investments, enacting enabling policies, streamlining the legislative and regulatory environment; improved accountable leadership, governance including intergovernmental relations and stakeholder coordination.

In closing, The group CEO Amref Dr. Githinji gitahi appreciated the Governor – H.E Hon Johnstone Sakaja for making health a political choice and a priority for the people of Nairobi County because this also means choosing socio-economic development of the county. “Nairobi is a metropolitan city, a regional hub, hosts an international airport, is the headquarters of many agencies.

We are, therefore, not only looking at the health of the 4million population living in Nairobi but could be as high as 7 million if you count the people who come to work in the city and leave in the evening,” He said. “This means, health sector reforms will not be limited to the health sector, they have to be included in matters of urban planning, health security, climate, environment, water, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. The taskforce is expected to share a report to the governor before the end of November 2022.”


Data governance should be promoted for better standards of life

Data governance and democract has the potential to enhance structural transformation among African countries as well as galvanize progress regionally.

Speaking during opening stakeholders convening on governance, democracy and human rights in Africa, Professor Paul Kamau said we are making progress.

” This forum will open more issues qof governance to create engagements between organisations on African governance platforms in advancing human rights and democracy”,he said

African Agenda 2063,was launched in 2015,which is the blueprint to achieve an inclusive, sustainable and social economic development.

He said the blueprint will also help create good jobs and decent works for youths and Africa as a whole.



By Maximilla Wafula

Today the Leading retailer Naivas supermarket in partnership with California Select Wine officially
launched their exclusive California wines catalogue into the market.
It is said that great wines can only come from great sites and California is one of the premier wines regions in the world
. It is responsible for producing over 90% of all US wines. Many of the wineries from the California wine region boast a rich history of wine growing and over 130 years in the winery

California Select Wines is an exporting sales and marketing company which prides itself in taking
California wines to new markets. Their expertise has seen to it that we now have a wide range of
quality yet affordable California Wines available locally exclusively to Naivas liquor stores. The range
is exclusively produced in California and boasts of a selection of; Cabernet Sauvignons, Pinot Noirs
and Chardonnays to the lesser-known Moscato wines.
“Naivas is delighted with the new partnership as it speaks to the vision of providing a world-class
shopping experience while remaining true to our brand promise of “saves you money”. The
partnership will see to it that quality California Wines are stocked across all our Liquorstores at very
competitive prices,” remarked Naivas Chief Commercial Officer , Willy Kimani .

“We understand the full enjoyment of wine depends upon many layers of context, each of which
builds on the other to fill out the most complete picture of wine. The colour, viscosity, texture of the
wine, the flavours and most importantly the experiences that we unconsciously imprint in our
memory. As a brand, we are also cognizant of the fact that not many Kenyans know all these, so as to be
part of this partnership, we shall be promoting wine education to inculcate and grow a responsible
wine culture in Kenya,” concluded Willy.

Several wine-tasting and education sessions will be conducted in various Naivas Liqour Stores across
the country in the coming days and weeks.


Zamara Launches new online aggregator portal to increase insurance uptake

By Steve El Sabai

Leading insurance broker, Zamara Group, has announced plans to invest KSh 100 million to upgrade its digital capabilities and customer service. The company said the program includes upgrades in its operations and technology, including launching a new online aggregator platform dubbed eZamara, that will have a full range of insurance and investment products.

The portal will allow customers to compare products from different insurers in one place and create and manage their insurance policies online to increase insurance uptake in the country.

“The digital transformation of the insurance industry will require a considerable amount of capital to invest. However, investing in digital technology will be necessary if insurers are to stay relevant to consumers, “said Zamara Group CEO Sundeep Raichura.

Zamara Group CEO, Sundeep Raichura, said the company was committed to providing its customers with the best possible experience and that the investment in digital would enable it to do so. “We are constantly evolving our business to meet the needs of our customers and this investment will enable us to provide a more convenient and efficient service,” he said.

Mr Raichura said that the company’s investment in technology and customer service is part of its commitment to provide its clients with the best possible experience. “We are constantly striving to improve our service offering and to make it easier for our clients to do business with us.”

“Over the years, we have seen a spike in insurance sales growth via the internet and other digital channels. As Zamara, we are committed to accelerating and enabling digital and financial inclusion in Kenya by providing easy access to financial solutions like pensions and insurance at scale.

Zamara expects to invest between KSh 100 million over the next three years in technology as per its 2022-2025 strategic intention of disruption through technology, with a targeted 30% growth in its business via digital channels.

The Zamara Online Aggregator portal aims to provide easy access to financial solutions like pensions and insurance at scale. The portal is designed to make it easier for individuals and businesses to get the insurance they need and to find products that fit their needs. By providing a single point of access, the portal will help to accelerate and enable digital and financial inclusion in Kenya.

By launching the aggregator portal, the company aims at taking the customer experience to a new level, making it easy for clients to get the right cover at the right price. The Zamara aggregator combines everything an insured could want – accurate quotes, reliable service and easy claim management.


Kenya women leaders call for a gender balance government

By Jeff Kizzilah

Kenya women under (KeWaLa)have called on President Ruto to owner his campaign promise to fulfil the gender equality.

Speaking in Nairobi women says, they are waiting for the President to owner what he said during election.

The women under Kenya Women Leaders Association group KeWaLA led by Hon Damaris Too Party leader Chama Cha Mapatano Kenya says president must own his words to women of kenyashed was also accompanied by Rose Mulwa who is the Chairlady Kenya Women Leaders Association (KEWALA).

“We are waiting for president to give a two-third gender appointments in other government positions, ” Too added.

They have also urged the government to look at the the starving Kenyans who are facing drought currently experiencing harsh economic challenges,they said this areas voted overwhelmingly.



by Maximilla Wafula

National Human Rights Organization ( Hakijamii) led by Executive Director Amina Hashi today launched the State of Housing Report Volume 3 at the Ufangamano House .The report presentation by prof.Alfred Omenya , Eco-build Africa on the state of housing volume 3. The Hakijamii organizations which works with marginalized groups to support them in advocating for the realization of their economic, social and cultural rights .

It’s overriding mission is to strengthen the capacity of people’s organizations to participate in governmental decision – making effectively and directly inorder to realize economic and social rights as well as hold duty bearers . She said that Hakiijamii has been in the forefront in championing for the rights to adequate and affordable housing including reasonable standards of sanitation for communities . As part of its initiative to realise the right to adequate and affordable housing , Hakijamii has taken lead in development of the state of housing in Kenya report ; a publication that seeks to take stock of achievements and challenges faced in implementation of the affordable housing policies and programmes. The state of housing Reports Vo. 1, 2and 3 review the government’s housing programme between 2017-2022 .she said ..
The outcome expected is to get the findings and recommendations of the state of housing report vol.3 will provide a framework for evaluation and reflections to ensure to ensure learning is used to inform program interventions and provide insight in planning at community, county and national level.


Youthful Abdiweli Duntow for Garrissa Township MP

By Steve El Sabai

As the National Assembly former majority leader Aden Duale climbed the ladder after being appointed the Defence Cabinet Secretary (CS) a youthful entrepreneur Abdiweli Duntow has thrown his hat into the ring to succeed Duale as the Garrissa Township Member of Parliament (MP).

Duntow is seeking to succeed Duale on the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket running for a political seat for the first time in his life.

The youthful businessman is popular in the constituency owing to his philanthropic work and development projects.

Duntow is on record of paying school fees for children from needy families, paying hospital bills to patients unable to pay, sinking of boreholes to quench the thirst of the residents in the area which suffers from water scarcity and supporting youth and women groups in income generating initiatives.

Duntow is a darling of the youth through promotion of sports and development of talents as well as initiating income generating projects geared towards supporting jobless young people in poverty alleviation initiatives.

Duntow initiated development in the area without undermining Duale or showed any signs of trying to oust him as MP but worked together as development partners of Garissa Township constituency.

Now that Duale has exited the scene, Duntow wants to fit into his shoes and take up from where Kenya’s incoming Defence Cabinet Secretary left.

“I have been tried and tested through the development initiatives that I have been initiating despite the fact I was not an elected leader. I know Garrissa Township constituency’s terrain very well and can be trusted to govern the area effectively as an MP. I worked with Duale and can be able further his agenda for the constituency blended with mine for a masterplan,” said Duntow.

Duale is leaving his post as MP after serving Garrissa Township for three uninterrupted terms after being appointed by President Dr William Ruto to serve as a Defence Cabinet Secretary.

Duale was a former Majority Leader of the National Assembly of Kenya under the Jubilee Party in the 11th parliament serving from 2013 to 2017 and the 12th parliament where he partial served at the same position until he was impeached for supporting the current president, Dr William Samoei Ruto who was then serving as the Deputy President (DP).

He was elected first in 2007 under the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party. He ditched ODM in 2012 and helped Ruto to form the United Republican Party (URP) whose ticket he was elected as the MP representing Garissa township constituency and in 2017 under the Jubilee Party.


Women Enterpreneurs urges Kenya to plant trees to combat climate change

By Maximilla Wafula

Women Entrepreneurs,  Bernadette  Owino has urged Kenyans  to plant trees  in order to combat climate change.

“People should  be taught to plant more trees. It attracts more rain while trees ensure that the soil will not be eroded,” Owino said during the ECOBank  Ellevate launch.

She said that even as farmers  cultivate food crops they should plant cover crops in order to protect their soil fertility.

Bernadette  Owino, who was in formal employment, decided to take a leap of faith and engage in  farming as an enterprise.

She currently has   tree seedlings  for sale at her farm  in Kitengela.

Owino has 1,500 grevalia and 1000 melia seedlings ready for purchase.

She noted that trees have value as they can be sold for timber in  10-15 years  for between  3,000 shs and 7,000 shs each.